Got my new (priusham's old) '04 Salsa BC! I flew to Grand Rapids to meet priusham and pick up my Prius Saturday. We exchanged pieces of paper and stories, posed for photos, and he talked me through a few bits about the car I didn't know. I punched my address into the nav system, and the nice lady told me exactly how to get home. The trip was pleasantly uneventful, but I got to play with many of the buttons. I love it. I was surprised, though, at how much of the time the engine is shut down while driving in town. Neat. The only unpleasant surprise was the $1000 in used car sales tax I got hit with when I transferred my plates. I didn't even know there WAS a used car sales tax! On the good side, my wife, who is, um, less than delighted with Prius' styling came up to the locked car with an armload of stuff (and the SE fob in her purse) and it let her in with no fumbling for keys. Even she had to admit that that was pretty nice. Now to find that purple wire on the nav plug... Jim
CONGRATS, Jim... hope you have as much fun as priusham had with it... glad the car found a good home, Welcome Bob Andersen
All's well that ends. You wouldn't have gotten your title until you paid all the tax Illinois thought you should pay. Now they can't ask again (and you may have a place to report the tax paid on your state tax forms). You mentioned you waited "a long time" for this car. Many of us went through the experience of vicariously enjoying the stories of other people getting their cars. Now, by getting another person's car, you've taken it to a new level. Do we need new ridiculous terminology? Like, is priusham the biological owner? :roll:
Congratulations!!! There is always tax. I would ask you to review "Tax Man" by the Beatles. All will be explained. :lol:
Not In Connecticut! I recently found out, to my surprise and elation, that CT does not charge sales tax on the Prius. An "extra" Christmas present. ... though I guess you can argue - the gas in the car was taxed.
Very close to Danbury. I have only seen a few Prius' around here. I know of 3 maybe 4 that I have seen in around town. I have spoken to two of them. How long ago did you move??
Gotta stop thread drift! Jim I hope your first week has been as uneventful as mine with the 2005. It was incredibly low key picking it up, I basically handed her the check and she handed me the fobs. My saleslady called a couple of days later to check up on me because she couldn't get over "selling" a Prius to someone who wasn't freaking out in excitement and crawling all over it with checklists, tire gauges, and oil rags! OMG! I think I turned 100 miles on the way home! I forgot to look! YOUR car had 250 miles on it before I even got to bed that first night! =p=