I recently picked up a new 2008 Prius (package 2). When I got it, it had 2 miles on it. The dealer told me not to use cruise control for the first 1000 miles. But the manual says something about it for the first 1000 KM (which is like 600+ some miles). What would you recommend doing? Why do I have to wait? Thanks.
I think its a bunch of bull. The only things you should do is avoid speeds of over 69mph, rapid acceleration, and hard braking. Just like any normal car during break-in.
Yes, you can use the Cruise Control, but I wouldn't use it all the time. During the first 1K, it is a good idea to vary the speed you drive, and the load you put on the engine. It's also an excellent time to learn MPG maximizing driving skills. Drive some hilly country, drive on the freeway/highway, drive in the city, tool along on country roads... get some serious variety, hopefully in situations where it is SAFE to pay attention to the MFD. See what the various driving conditions do, as far as which part of the HSD is running (ENERGY screen), and track your segment MPG (CONSUMPTION screen) for different driving conditions. You'll find the speed "sweet spot" for your commute. You may find that CC doesn't give you the best MPG, or you may find out that it does. It depends on the unique conditions that you drive in. You'll never know if you use CC all the time from the start.
It's best to break in a new engine over a variety of speeds, so avoiding cruise control for the first while isn't such a bad idea. I hardly ever use it anyway, even after 3 years. I find I get better mileage in the mountains without it, and I'm hardly ever on the straight and narrow. Roads, I mean.
It does seem like on this site, and priusonline in the past, our forefathers did recommend not using the CC on a Prius during the first 1000 miles or so. Perhaps Dr. Fusco or Bill M., John or another of the oldtimers can verify this. I don't know if it is still recommended. It is not a bad idea to avoid using it during the very initial break in period. Let the engine go through a variety of speeds, RPMs, etc. The first 1000 miles will go by in a flash, especially if you enjoy driving it as much as I still do. Good Luck !!
Oops, I should read more than the title of a thread. I would avoid cruise control for the first 600 miles on flat roads, if the road is undulating that in itself will ensure the engine speed and load is constantly varied. It is reasonably important to avoid constant light load on the engine for the first 600 miles. The following was my response to the title of the thread. When ever you want to maintain a constant speed over any distance. I often drive on suburban main roads in medium traffic using cruise control. Something I noticed on level suburban streets is if you set your speed just above the speed you wish to cruise at(say 62km/h) then after the speed stabilises tap down the speed one tap(to 60km/h) the Prius often goes into a reasonably long electric glide. When I see a red light in the distance I pull back on the stalk and coast to the light, if the light changes before my speed drops below 40km/h I lift the stalk to resume 60km/h cruise. The cruise control in the Prius is the smoothest I have ever encountered.
I believe that the all-knowledgeable Owner's Manual specifies a break-in period, which may be where the "oldtimers" got it from.
200 miles, 300kms IIRC. At least, that's for other Toyotas. I think it should be ok for the Prius. The reason why you wait is that with a normal car, you have a normal transmission (automatic or manual) and for the first 1,000 miles, you're told to vary the speed (and thus vary the speed of the engine). Cruise control holds your speed and thus the engine rpm. With the Prius, it has a CVT which varies the engine rpm even at a constant speed.
Oh no! When I fist got it in the initial drive, I took it on the interstate for a while and for about an hour or so was doing speeds between 70 and 80. Do you think I have messed anything up in my new car? You think it will be ok? What could I have screwed up and how can I tell?
dont worry about it . I did the same thing in mine and have almost 10k miles now with no problems. I still get 30 MPG. Just kidding about the MPG I get about 43-48 usually combined city and highway.
Remember that with the Prius, engine speed is not directly related to driving speed. If your road conditions have any variety, even driving in cruise control will cause the engine to run at differing speeds and loads. Just take it easy for the first 600 miles or so. Tom
Dude, take it back, QUICK!! tell them its the wrong color, or something!! , just kidding, you're fine!!
It isn't like the old days when the factory used an old rock to hone the bores and the crank was ground with a bench grinder by an old fella with round rim glasses and a leather apron. The main thing you run-in is the oil seals and tyres, the rings bed in real quick due to very precise surface finishes. Don't get worried if you haven't followed the procedure precisely. The above may not apply to Ford, Chev or Chrysler products.