18,000 miles, 50.3 mpg. One tank at 68.3 mpg. Drove over the Sierra Nevada through Yosemite (3041 m Tioga Pass) and back to the Great Central Valley. I keep detailed track by spreadsheet. Even when brand new, never less than 45 mpg.
06 Silver Pine Mica - Purchased May 06 18,000 miles to date Worse tank: 38 mpg (calculated), 43 (MFD) Best tank: 54 mpg (calculated), 51 (MFD) Life time average: 46.4 mpg (calculated), 47.4 (MFD) Best longest trip: 56 mpg (250 miles, MFD)
As of November 6, when I last filled up, I had a lifetime average of 48.4 MPG at around 5000 miles. That's with running the AC about 100% of the time here in Fla during our deliteful summers. Overall, I'm extremely happy with the mileage, it's 100% better than what I was getting in my Jeep.
I have been a slacker about posting so will go back to May: May 07 1533 miles 31.8930 gal MPG=48.06697394 June 2046 miles 41.7220 gal MPG=49.03887637 july 1721.3 miles 35.2440 gal MPG=48.83951878 august 2307.1 miles 46.2910 gal MPG=49.83906159 september 1331 miles 27.6890 gal MPG=48.06963054 october 1224.6 miles 24.3320 gal MPG=50.32878514 still have alot of variance with MFD reading but figure it all averages out over time... whatever I'm still smilin'! B)
May 2007 - 10,800 miles 52.9 avg mpg. Same commute each day, 33 miles each way of rolling hills to Winston-Salem, NC 2/3 interstate (65-70 mph) 1/3 secondary roads with heavy traffic but few lights. It's been in the 52 - 54 range since the first tank. Trip to south Florida, opprox 1000 miles was avg 48 mile (Florida is too flat...). I use med grade gas (not regular, not premium) I love it.
I just finished my 2007 numbers and the overall is remarkably close to 2006! 2007= 19178.5 miles gal= 401.9226 MPG = 47.7169 2006=16741.9 miles gal= 354.474 MPG= 47.2303 Turned 37000 today!!!!
As of 12/31/07: 34,357 miles, lifetime average 48.8. Best tank 87, worst 31, and can't explain either. MFD generally is not to be believed. Average is slowly drifting downward since I replaced the tires with Bridgestones, even running at 48psi. Wish there were a way to upload bulk data to priuschat.
I average 45mpg myself...In the winter is 43 to 44 and in the summer 46 to 47...Now and then I try playing with the pedal only when my wife ISN'T in the car...I'd be getting that look, like,"What are you doing, just drive", she always knows when I'm fiddling with the pedal...
I also keep a spreadsheet showing the average fuel economy based on the computer readings and also based on my calculations. I have had a few anomalous readings due to not getting the tank full, but have averaged 51.549 mpg according to the computer and 50.084 by my calculations.
Of course, we're all assuming that your mpg figure is an approximation; yes? As for me / Mithril ... "his" stats as of his last fill-up - August 29, 2009 - follow: Date of Purchase ... August 4, 2008 11,154.5 miles approx. 232.1 gallons approx. 48.1 mpg
Picked up my 2008 Prius exactly one month ago. Traveled 1260 miles since, including one long trip from northern VA to Richmond, then to Blacksburg and back. MPG: 60.6 I know...winter is coming...
'08 Mag Gray Pkg 2 (non-Touring): Purchase Date: 7/7/08 Last fill date: 9/10/09 Miles traveled: 30,968 MPG, tank-based: 47.9 MPG, display-based: 49.4 (sig not up to date...)