I'm interested too... i have coverking covers and the instructions that came with it were generic, and maybe they're on vacation because my request for specific instructions has not been responded to for 2 days
OK< Sorry for the repeat post (main forum) but i just ordered a brand new prius (UK SPEC) T-Spirit but with the standard fabric trim. Should i of gone for the leather option? I too would love to see the pics (before and after) Cheers Gary
Well I finally had a warm day to install the new leater seats (40 degrees),and have posted some pictures. I like the seats and have gotten alot of compliments from car buffs in my area. I would definitly buy them again. The installation took about 4-5 hours once I got some help on a few items. 1. The plastic headrest locks on the headrest assembly do not come off. The leather covers stretch over the plastic headrest locks. A little scary at first but they worked out well. 2. You have to use double sided tape when covering the front center console or you will go insane. 3. The rear seat pillars are not a simple slip-on. when I have more time I am going to have to cut a template of the rear seat pillars, cut the pieces supplied by the manufactuer and glue them. I think this is the only way to have them look good. These seat covers were easy and look good.
sorry .. i meant to say... it looks sexy... also if you can get more pixes w/o the sunlight in the way... it would be great~~
The leather seats are smooth perforated leather which did not show good in the pictures. I've been having some lousy weather in my area lately, I'll take more pictures first chance. I've been able to install an interior LED light package and come warmer weather a I have a full dark burl walnut dash kit to install. As soon as the weather breaks I'll post more pictures.
have u ever felt the stock leather... is it softer than the OEM toyota... cause i hope it's like the lexus leather... nice and soft...
I would like to know how the seat 'feels' before & after- not the leather feel but does it feel like it has a diaper on it now? does it feel overstuffed? nice & tight now? Do you feel like you are riding higher than before? looks great and a fraction of the cost as well. Steve
it's been about a week.. it would be nice to get a review on how they are since some time has finally passed.... i'd also like to know how soft the leather is.. the OEM toyota is kind of hard while the lexus is really soft... so i'm wondering how yours feels~
also the battery ventilation area... i was wondering why you didn't change it leather....did the ebay kit not come with the leather for that area?
Sorry for the holdup, I finally got some time. No door panels come with the covers. The battery panels are supplied with leather from the manufacturer, however, this is not an easy job. The battery panels come in two pieces, but appear to be either glued or heat sealed together. Once I get some time I'll try another stab at putting the leather on the panels. To get a good looking job this is going to take some time!. With that being said I am in no hurry being nobody even notices the panels and everybody says the seats look great. I don't know what Toyota leather feels like, but these covers have a hard perforated leather inserts which are heavily padded and feel good, While the non seated areas are in I think vinyl which are real soft. I couldn't stand the OEM seats and these covers feel and look 100% better. I've attached two more pictures of better quality.
i'm seriously considering this... i may look into getting the black... i have a grey interior like yours... i think it will be ok ... do the seat feel a little stiff? Are they really comfortable?
Here's a link to the Toyota Prius Seat Assembly/Disassembly Instructions, including instructions & diagrams for those rear seat plastic shoulders: http://jaygroh.dreamhost.com/prius/...epair Information/Repair Manual/SE - Seat.pdf You can see from these Instructions what a PITA it would have been to remove the original covers and install new covers with hogrings.
While the new covers don't feel like an overstuffed recliner, the padding in the new covers do give the seat an entirely differant feel, which I think is a lot more confortable, softer and a 1000% better look than the OEM material. In the future if I were to get another Prius, which I would in all likelyhood, I would like to try to take my new covers and put then on the new Prius if possible (wishfull thinking) if they still fit, or get the same covers again. As I stated earlier, the new cover salesperson I talked to didn't sound "all together", which made the waiting for the delivery of the seat covers a bit anxious, but I'm really happy with them. If you order them good luck and post pictures.
from the instructions... the front seems pretty straight forward and it doesn't require the removal of the seats.. there rear is a different story, but it's easier.. since there's no wires and sensors in the way ...
i agree....the salesperson is some minimum wage guy that has no incentive of providing good customer service. i bought it from a difference source online.. seems like there are two sellers which give a buy it now option... i put in 400 and it was granted as opposed to 499 listed.