I had CV axles pack and soon after the ABS light came on continious. Brakes are fine, pump is working great and the ABS system actually work ( tested on ice) I have the scanner recommended by this forum but it will not pull a code. Tried disconnecting the 12V battery but still comes on. Any way of shutting the light off short of going to the dealer? Ron in Missouri
Using a scan tool like ScanGaugeII will allow you to see & reset codes indicated by that light. This is mine (in the corner on the dash)... Details are available on page 47 of the User-Guide and works the same way in the Classic model Prius as the HSD. .
Check your rear brakes. They may need adjustment. We all drive so slow in revers that we forget to jam on the brakes to activate the self adjusters. Drive carefully in reverse and jam the brakes on several times to activate the self adjusters. Do this without passengers to avoid the whiplash that accompanies the procedure.
Back to turning thr light off. Looks like scangage II only deals with 'check engine' trouble codes i scan mode. ABS,SRS and steering have seperate computers and I can't see how scangage can acess the information from these systems. Will the light go out once the problem is corrected or does the dealer have to do it?
"I had CV axles pack and soon after the ABS light came on continious. Brakes are fine, pump is working great and the ABS system actually work ( tested on ice)" the ABS speed sensors are located where the wheel hub is, its very possible the shop didnt plug it in or damaged the speed sensor take a look at this diagram number 13 ( speed sensor ) goes into the hub before the axle nut. if the speed sensor wire is disconnected, or damaged the ABS warning light will be illuminated
im almost 90 % sure the speed sensor has been messed around with, it has to be removed to get access to the cv axles
When the axles were being removed, it is very likely that the tech doing the work did NOT remove the 10mm bolt holding the metal bracket for the speed sensor wire to the body next to the strut. If the bolt was left in place, the wire must be stretched in order to pull the hub out far enough to get it off the end of the axle. That will break the wire internally. There will be no visible damage. You can only diagnose it by testing with an ohmmeter. If you have the codes pulled and it indicates a speed sensor code, the sensor will most likely need to be replaced. You can use a jumper wire to connect terminals TC and CG on the DLC3 connector under the dash and watch the ABS light for the morse code style flashes. Code 31 and 32 relate to the right front and left front wheels respectively. Clear the DTC. (1) Using SST, connect terminals Tc and CG of DLC3. SST 09843-18040 (2) Turn the ignition switch ON. (3) Clear the DTC stored in ECU by depressing the brake pedal 8 or more times within 5 seconds. (4) Check that the warning light shows the normal code.(5) Remove the SST from the terminals of DLC3. Hint: The SST is simply a jumper wire. Good Luck!!
WOW!!! Did as directed - got the 3-2 code and replaced the sensor. Used the pedal signal to reset the light and all is well. Now to take this sensor and go shove it up the mechanics @$$ Thanks for the help