Since we are on the subject of human health, cancer, cells dividing (or more precisely - proteins misfolding) . . . how about using some of those extra CPU cycles on your computer and help Stanford University find cures for such deceases as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, and Parkinson's disease . . . etc. Start Folding@Home !!!! Next to blabbing on PriusChat :wink: , I believe running Folding@Home is the highest and best usage for any computer . . . and it works autonomously in the background. I leave my computer running 24/7 anyway. A “packet†(a small piece of the folding process) is only sent to one computer at a time, and the computations for the project are linear in progression, so it is very important that the results are returned as quick as possible - at least by the due date - and NEVER erased. One packet not returned will cause a delay of months in finishing a project and that packet will have to be resent. You are doing your part for the Earth by driving a Prius :clap: . . . now do the same for humans by running Folding@Home. :angel:
Roger, you sound a little bit like a woman I know (I'll call her Lyla). Lyla is a neo-Luddite. One of her pet peeves is modern medicine, which, by saving lives, exacerbates overpopulation. She thinks that people who get sick should be allowed to die, thus improving the gene pool and reducing population. So I asked her: "If your son got sick, would you take him to the doctor and get him the medicines needed to make him well?" Her reply: "Damn right I would!!!" And that's the problem: it's easy to decide that other people should be allowed to die, but nobody wants himself or his family to be allowed to die. Turning our backs on people who are sick (and addiction to tobacco and other drugs is an illness) is not going to make the world a better place. The smoker is not the criminal. The pusher who profits from the smoker's addiction is the criminal, and he's one of the most vile criminals you'll find anywhere.
Sufferin, I'm backgrounding the "World Community Grid" right now on my computer. I also tend to keep my machine on most of the time. Ironically, the program running right now is studying the "folding" of protiens, exactly what you mentioned in your post.
i cant believe that anyone could possibly think that letting anyone who wants to do drugs is the right thing to do. people who were upstanding, hard working citizens who completely threw their lives away from drugs. and why?? because they were too weak to stop before it hurt them? well, if thats the case, why educate our kids?? why dont we let them run amok and see who survives? well, thankfully that is not what we do. that is why people should not be allowed to do drugs when ever they want. they should not be allowed to drive in any fashion they want to either. they should not act in public towards others anyway they want to either. they should not take what is not theirs either.... these are all laws we shouldnt have to have because everyone knows better, but we do and do for a very good reason. facts is, many people are easily lead to do something that isnt good for them. legalizing drugs would be one of the greatest mistakes ever.
Efusco, thank you. Reading through this thread I was just about to go return my Prius Because if this thread represents thinking of average Prius owner, then I must be in wrong company. Sig Heil, roger. You're the best, hands down!
[font=Tahoma:0425802b48] [/font:0425802b48] </span><span style=\'colorlive\'> all. I'm in Los Angeles, California. In California, the only things legal to throw out of a "moving vehicle" are water-based liquid and chicken feathers. I know...strange. Actually, I think the law has generalized the "chicken feathers" to just plain ole feathers now. Don't you all feel better about that? <wink> Since a majority of Prius owners and soon-to-be owners are "green"...throwing trash out of the vehicle would be an abomination and unlikely. Smokers should be allowed to smoke in their Prii. I know it's not allowed in mine, though. I don't have an ashtray either. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO SMOKE...P L E A S E...use that ashtray rather than tossing cinder and/or butts out the window. It doesn't look good when a non-hybrid owner sees a Prius driver tossing out cinder or butts. See the irony? I'm sure that wouldn't happen to our Prius members here. Oh...and that bottom drawer in the center console....Great idea in using that as a trash bin. I didn't think about that. Actually...I've had the Prius for just over a month and I just discovered that bottom drawer a week ago. It was quite a pleasant surprise. Kosame
um, I think you only find it funny due to ignorance. here are some sites to help you out.
yeh, I agree... if it was my parents who needed life saving treatment, then of course i'd insist on it. Funny tho isnt it, how we can work out what is best for the big picture, yet when it comes down to the personal aspect, we would never do it. Grief is a selfish thing. the need of the many should be greater than the need of the few, but seldom is.
you know... not all prius owners are "green" just because they own a prius. I chose the prius because I thought the touch screen was cool, and the fact that it ran silent and the keyless entry thing and the sat nav. in other words, I got one due to the gadgetry. I would still have bought it if it used a higher than normal amount of fuel.
I find the console outlet particularly useful for charging my cell phone. I bought a 'self reeling' charger. You pull the cord out as far as you need. I leave the phone on the little tray. There isn't any extra cord to deal with. When I'm not charging it, I push the button on the charger base and ziiiiiip, it gets reeled in, no cord at all.
Though you might want to balance them with:Another site. Notice how a search for cesium chloride doesn't yield a bunch of research reports and double blind studies. Mostly you get what I would call 'snake oil' sales sites.
Roger, you are completely misinformed on this and really should not embarrase yourself further by your ridiculous comments. You imply that children who get cancer should be allowed to die so they don't pass on those genes...well they DON'T in most cases pass on any such me a few examples of a type of childhood cancer that we can cure today that is passed on genetically...go ahead...tell me one. You are the one who totally misses the point. A person's value is not judged solely on their contribution to the genetic pool (unless the creation of an Arian nation is your sole objective), it is their contribution to society. And allowing a child to survive cancer or an adult and that person could very well make dramatic and historical contributions to society. Let me tell you this as well...No One has a perfect set of genes. There is no such thing. Everyone is suseptible to something, and almost everyone is suseptible to many things. You, good sir, are the one who misses the point and it DOES matter.
if you didnt miss my point, you wouldnt have typed that. but just let it go, you can keep your opinion. it really isnt important. I was never saying it should happen, all I am saying is that nature selects, and people mess with that process. geeze.. peace man.. calm down - didnt mean to annoy you that much
I'm quite calm, I'm just trying to educate you a bit..something you're clearly unwilling to accept. People aren't messing with the process of natural selection, we are part of the process. I got that point and directly addressed it in my first post on this topic. If you had a solid point I think you would try to elicidate it in erudite haven't...I suspect that's b/c you can't. If your point was the theoretical one of genetic purity by natural selection, I understood it...I just completely disagree with it and have supported why in my arguements. You have done nothing to support it at all.
Roger: I read your post twice after I read Evan's response. I agree completely with Evan. You didn't just say "Nature selects and people mess with that process..." You made a ridiculous statement. Even if it was meant to be sarcastic, or absurd to make a point, it doesn't come across in a post. Even when I tried to see that point of view, it still seemed ridiculous. Yes, natural selection is somewhat altered by advances in medicine / technology, but who is to say that the human race annihilating itself after all of it's advances, including allowing a bad gene pool to perpetuate itself, is not natural selection at it's best. To make an inflammatory and seemingly uneducated statement such as "people with cancer should be left to die," so as to not alter your understanding of natural selection just sounds inane. Not to mention insensitive and inflamitory. It deserves a response, if not several. That's all I have to say.
I'm sorry Roger, but if this has been a known EFFECTIVE treatment for 75 years, I think just MAYBE oncologists might be using it ALL THE TIME. Maybe I should send a few cases for Christmas to my 13 Y/O neice who had thyroid cancer and has now developed one of the forms of Juv RA. Maybe I should just kill her instead since she is 'defective'. I'm reminded of 'Glacial Milk'. My mother had RA and had heard about it. Sounded like snake oil to me so I hit the web before she starting wasting money on it. Cures all sorts of things, including arthritis, aging, baldness. Sold pyramid style. I queried 1 seller, who replied. Then I challanged, asking if it worked so well why the 'doctor' pushing the stuff was bald. NEVER heard back. Gee, I wonder why. This doesn't mean that I don't agree that there are treatments not yet discovered or researched for any number of things. However, until they HAVE been, I'm not ingesting them. I'm sure the medical community would not get too excited if it was something like 'cures hang nails'. But a potential cure for cancer? PLEASE!!!!
here is my p;oint in a nutshell, for those of you who cant grasp it: Natural selection - survival of the strogest/fittest the most fit individuals in a population are the ones that are least likely to die of whatever and, therefore, are most likely to pass on their traits to the next generation The Galapagos finches provide an excellent example of this process. For instance, among the birds that ended up in arid environments, the ones with beaks that were better suited for eating cactus got more food. As a result, they were in better condition to mate. In a very real sense, nature selected the best adapted varieties to survive and to reproduce. This process has come to be known as natural selection Now, suppose there was interferance and the ones with shorter beaks were fed. nature would not have taken it's course. (nature being that which would happen naturally without interferance. You could say that the interferance was also natural, but you would be wrong. that isn't true nature. the line in the definition of what is natural must be drawn somewhere ) That is all I'm saying. Humans interfere with nature all the time in so many ways. every other being on the planet lives in harmony with nature, except humans, and - it seems - many are unwilling to recognise this fact. Having said that, I will say that I too would interfere with nature for my own selfish gain. So you see, I'm not saying don't do it, I'm saying that it probably shouldn't be done. I am able to recognise what should be and what we want to be, and that they are separate things.