Yes, another 2006 HID headlight problem. I’m currently at 47k and this started happening to me around 40k. Dealer says to change the lamps (are these still called bulbs?), at the cost of $500 plus for each and I think that is just plan ridiculous… and absurd… and annoying… and … well, you get the picture. I have the Platinum Care warranty but of course it does not cover simple bulbs. Simple, huh? I’ve tried to read everything I can on this issue and understand I will have to remove the bumper and a few other pieces of the car… just to get to the lamps, but I’d rather waste a whole day playing mechanic than pay a stealership $300-$400 to change two light bulbs. My question is has anyone tried after market replacement HID lamps and if so are you happy with the results? Exactly what type of lamps are these? H4? DR2? I’m still a little lost on that. Where did you get the lamps? Any recommendations other than the dealer? Remember, I’m looking for OEM replacements if possible!! I just want to change the lamps… not the computer, or igniter, or levelers, or the flux capacitor. Thank you in advance.
Lots of good info in this thread found in a Search: Key Word(s): replace, HID, bulbs One poster stated that replacement information was covered in the owners manual. I know it is for my halogen lights but don't know if it is in yours for HID.
anytime i have ever needed HIDs or a HID retro-fit i have used ebay seller ID: stillenmaxima98. he provides the best bulbs for about $100 for a pair or 229 for a retro fit. hope this helps you
Thanks for the replies and thank you ryanschram!! I did some more research and have ordered these bulbs: For $69.99 ($79.99 including shipping) for THE PAIR of bulbs I figured I could replace these once a year and still be ahead of two OEM bulbs for many years to come (although I really hope not to). If it turns out that more is involved, like the controllers or igniter, then I'm covered with the extended warranty and will have the receipt for the bulbs. I’ll report back let everyone know how these work. For $79.99 for two bulbs I just had to try.
Sorry for the delay in responding.... I did get those lamps in... I spent a little over two hours figuring out how to replace the right lamp.... then it only took 35 minutes to replace the left lamp. I could do this again in well under an hour for both, although I hope I don't have to. In my situation, the lamps work great. My headlights no longer go out for no apparent reason and I have had weeks of reliable uninterrupted service to back up my claim. Again, in my situation, changing the lamps seemed to have done the trick. Sure, it took me a few hours but I saved $300-$400 in bulbs alone, not to mention labor if the dealership had done this. Thanks to all who helped me!!
Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and found it due to searching for 2006 HID problem. I had a similar situation. My HID headlights would "flicker" and then one would go out. I could get the headlight back on by simply turning the lights off and back on. This problem was rarely intermittent around 40k and started getting worse. I couldn't get in my car without having to shut off the HIDs multiple times during a very short trip (30miles) that is short for me. (2006 with 54k on it already thank GOD for 50mpg!) I finally got it to do it at the dealership and was told that it needed two new ECU modules. HID headlights don't use 12VDC to run, usually they use around 46VDC so they basically need an inverter unit and both of mine were having issues. This wasn't covered by warranty so it cost me $300 per side plus labor for a total of $1071 to fix. I find it odd that both went out at the same time, but Toyota would not cover it. I have the old units and I will take them apart to see if there is any corrosion in them. This could indicate a seal problem from moisture. I don’t mind paying the money to fix it since for two reasons. The car is paid off so the lack of a note is cool, the car saves me over 2k a year in gas, and I LOVE my car. Okay that’s three reasons. I’ll post again if I find moisture in the units.
I am going through the same issue and going to go to Ebay as well. For installation, the user's manual seems not to describe this very well. Do you have any advice you can offer. It would be much appreciated. Thanks, Greg
Aaron, is there a chance you might have a walk-thru on how to do this. I reported my problem with NHSTA already but still no reply and i'm getting close on my termination of extended warranty. Any help on guiding us on how to install the HIDs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Way to go Aaron for finding a more reasonable solution. I see you ordered the for your 2006 Prius correct? I noticed your order was the D4R version..... is this the one thats required and have you researched the differences? I saw at the bottom of the ebay page it stated: ( I assume the one we need for the 06 prius is the reflector housing? Did these do the trick for you, and are they still working?
Do you think you really needed to spam the boards Jeff? Especially as the video has very little information and is so damn tedious to watch, I'd rather drive at night with no headlights than watch all 3 parts.
Hi Araron, How did you get the caps off the back of the headlight assembly? Do you turn them clockwise or counter clockwise? Have put a lot of pressure both ways and nothing moves. Thank you, Lyle
If I remember right its "lefty loosy" "righty tighty".... There is an o-ring type seal and think of it as having a thick grease that takes alot to get it moving.. once its moving, it moves. Constant pressure rather than instant jerk or bolts... wear gloves for extra power and leverage a little against one of the fins if you have to... just don't expect levering the fins alone will work.. they will break instead. Once it starts turning it will hit a dead stop in about an inch or maybe a tad more and then it will pull out to come off. To be fair... it does take a little strength... not a ladies job... Going by memory here.....