you are kidding, right? Assuming not, some people are just morons!! and there's just not much to say about them.....
Look at it like it is... He probably wakes up everyday and doesn't like a whole host of other things either. He is condemned to misery...
He probably just got back from filling up his Escalade. I'd say you got the better part of that deal.
I'm just eco-hippy enough to whip someone's nice person for doing something like that. Regardless of where a person stands on global warming and the other enviro-political hot topics etc..., there's not a thing wrong with improving a person's mpg. I live in big truck country. I've already noticed when getting out my car that certain people are looking at me like they expect a circus freak to step out. Jeezus people, it's a car.
that sucks, man. at least it's not permanent. next time my car is vandalized, if i catch the person, there will be hell to pay.
pretty irritating... I havent cleaned it off, being busy for new years and all... just kinda gross...
ewww... yeah I had some construction dude spit on my car. I was turning left into one of those gaps in the median. He was crossing (jaywalking) on that median and spat on my car as I turned. I knew it was him cause I was turning into a parking lot and so it on the left side. It was disgusting.
Yeah I was thinking about putting spats on my rear guards to cover the top of ... oh ... hang on, you mean some filthy pig shared bodily fluids with your paint? Goodness me, that is sad. I hope you never have to drive through hicksville again any time soon and I hope the tobacco chewing moron who did it got a kick out of driving his 1974 Ford F100 home to his trailer to tell his sister/wife all about it while billy bob(12), billy bob(14) and billy sue(15 and pregnant with child number 2) listened in to daddies tale of triumph over the evil conservationist. Of course if you're quick you can rinse it off with no harm to the paint, careful though, tobacco causes cancer! (Ha ha spitter has 40% greater chance of getting cancer, you win (no caps in kids names because they is illiterate) Don't you hate people who stereotype others according to one act or the car they drive?
Hey, I have had it happen twice. Big old spit marks on the drivers window. Once at work and once in a shopping center parking lot. Cleans up pretty easily. And when I fill up with gas, I forget all about the idiots.
Suggest you send in a sample of the spit to the US National DNA data bank to identify the 'spiter" or is it the "spitor". Then kick the living be'jesus out of the person and bury the results in a spitoon. Gary
Your saying you live in CALIFORNIA and someone spit on your car because its a "Hippy" car? A car thats everywhere out there? Why is it a hippy car? All I ever see is old guys and young girls in them around here. I'm in the old guy column. Very few people even know what the car is unless they are interested in buying one. If someone's spitting on my car I would examine my driving courtesy.
Biohazard. Use gloves and a 1:32 bleach soluttion to clean it. (I find this practice personally disgusting) But don't feel bad. 2 years ago around St. Patrick's Day I came out of work to find a green USED condom stuck to my windshield (before the Prius). I wasn't laughing at the time, but thank God I had vinyl gloves in the car and cage cleaning supplies from the weekend. What is the matter with people today????????
a guy had his window broken on his new Ferrari F430 by some dumb kids w a bb gun sorry about the spit, thats nasty