Here's a link to a Popular Mechanics video of the Aptera EV. It has some really cool design features and the plan is to have a vehicle that goes 120 miles on a single lithium-phosphate pack charge for 2008, with a 300-mpg model to follow by 2009. Now if they can cover the skin in this Nanosolar $1/watt solar cell, you can ride forever...
Yeah wow. That's a head-turner. I wouldn't trust the other drivers if I were driving that down the street.
Nobody in the EV community really thought this was serious when it was proposed several years back. We saw the drawings and chuckled. But here we are! This is the first indication from anybody outside the company that this things really *can* exist. The whole parking/curb thing concerns me with those front skirts. And I'm not sure how they'll make the windows roll-down-able, but heck - I love the concept. And if they really can sell these at a reasonable price, and get into the black in after just 200 units are sold (as they claim)... well, that's just awesome. I really like that they plan on two versions - with and without combustion.
If it is affordable and approved for use on Australian roads I'd grab one quick smart. This would be a perfect commuter for me. I guess with the wheel skirts it isn't designed for the average clumsy driver that bashes curbs when parking. It is good that it isn't very low to the ground making it easier for us oldies to get in and out.
Apt name for a tear-drop shape, isn't it? I really hope this one works out. It looks fantastic and should earn the EV movement more recognition.
Currently only available to residents of California. A $500 deposit gets you a place on the waiting list. Delivery claimed to be in about one year. But we've seen how a year can stretch to two, then three, etc. I don't like the looks of the car. I'd prefer a conventional 4-wheel car. Four wheels are inherently more stable than 3. The futuristic look is silly. But if it's the first proper EV to be available new now, I'll buy one. First one out gets my money. Meanwhile I'll keep driving my Zap Xebra.
Simple: 3 wheels = motorcycle and you don't have to do the NEV thing, or crash tests up the wazoo. 4 wheel = car, and big production costs for higher then NEV speeds. Funky looking but hey, no more so than me.
Thanks for the answer. Now it makes sense (legally, and even financially). So if the single rear wheel were 6 ft wide, that would make it a motorcycle?
great video, love the tech details. but hate it when the writer is uninformed. that was obvious when he said, "The Aptera gets great acceleration, you just step on the gas and it goes..." so, how much? i am interested. get them on the market for $30,000 and i think you have a hit
Yes. But it probably would not handle very well. Somewhere they give the price. Something like $26,000. I'd pay that today, if there was one for sale. Come on, Dave, saying "gas pedal" could be a slip of the tongue as much as being uninformed. Linguistic habit.
I caught the 'step on the gas' slip in the video as well, and chuckled. I would get one of these in a heartbeat. I think they said $30k for the gas generator hybrid, increasing the range. Somewhere they also mention that they will go profitable after only 200 units. That is pretty phenomenal. If that's the case, one would think the price could come down.
I love it! I saw this on "My Yahoo" yesterday but it seems to have disapeared. I love the idea and the design. I am a big fan of new ideas as well as sticking out in a crowd. (Don't tell my wife). I do a lot of driving and this woud be fantastic! I actually sent them my resume. I am in Chicagoland now but would love to be a part of that sort of project. Plus, if I am in Cali, I can get first dibs
Why not have both ? I'm all for having my cake and eating it Drop the weight and heigth and add a little more power and you can still get mad mph & decent mph in that thing
I'm not the one making the tradeoffs. Those that make the best tradeoff get the most business. They would need to answer what their limitations were. I certainly hope they have something you would want on their next version.