My, my, what is everyone doing wrong? I get better than 85 MPG when speeding down the freeway at over 120 MPH. It's a little-known fact that at high speed the batteries are automatically recharged from moving through the earth's magnetic field. And since the Prius's stealth profile renders it in invisibile to all forms of police radar, I never have to worry about getting a speeding ticket. and No, I don't have hypogonadism** from all the radiation in the car ... ( ** I heard the term on House MD and had to fit it in somewhere )
Well, I don't know about anyone else here, but I heard that the Prius "Hybrid Synergy Drive" was actually a myth perpetuated through Toyota by GM. There's no real "batteries", just a cow-manure cartridge that costs $3,000.00 to replace. Also, I heard that the CEO of Toyota now drives a Tundra running a Weiand blower from his house to the grocery store and back. His wife drives a Prius with a blown 426 under the hood and uses it to walk the dog. His kids both drive Land Cruisers and all this started after the first year of Prius sales! The CEO now plans on doing a massive Prius recall, so he can crush 'em all and sell the scrap to some country in Asia. Also, driving a Prius is potentially hazardous to the health of whales in Antarctica.
You should have bought the 'chip' ... I regularly get 500mpg and 5,000 per tank in my Suburban, as long as i keep it under 41mpg. Stupid auto industry ... they've been trying to keep this, and the hi mileage carburator, a secret for decades. Edit: I almost forgot the most important part ... those explosive batteries. You know they can explode, AND catch fire. Think about it! A machine designed to cary HUMANS that also contains a substance in it, that can catch fire, and EXPLODE !! What were they thinking!
Helpful hint: You should always buy the highest octane gas you can, because more octane means more power. Also, they gas HAS to be better because it's more expensive, right? And more expensive always means better.
Actually, the Saudis are buying up all the vortex inserts to take them off the market.... Seems they increased mileage too much and the Saudi's cashflow is in a world of hurt....