I was reading the irs web site and it said, in order for me to get the tax credit i had to be the orignal owner of the car? 2. The original use of the vehicle must begin with the taxpayer claiming the credit. a. The credit may only be claimed by the original owner of a new, qualifying, hybrid vehicle and does not apply to a used hybrid vehicle. So, since, im not orignal owner, i can not get the tax credit? Im just little confused about this. Shane
Now you've got me a bit confused. It seems you've correctly answered your own question: You are not the first buyer of a new hybrid vehicle. Because of this fact, you cannot make any claim for the tax credit. Is this what you were after?
I just purchased my '08 prius yesterday. Is there still a tax credit? I was under the impression that they no longer gave the Tax credits? Also, were the tax credits issued on a state or federal level? Anyone help me here? Thanks, Davis
The Federal tax credit for the Prius is gone. You will have to check with your state to see if they have anything (some do, some don't).