I went to Albertsons in Issaquah (WA) this afternoon. When I came out at 4:45pm, I found another 2007 black Prius next to mine! Mine is on the right, and the one on the left is a Touring. For a split second I didn't know which was mine....LOL. Then I saw the Touring wheels and that the liscence plate number wasn't mine. Don't they look good together? Sorry about the crappy pic....it was taken with my camera phone, as the sun was going down, on a rainy evening. Ugh.
Issaquah, Seatle, December, rainy day... Please don't be sorry I'm sorry for you HAhahaa... I spent Christmas & New Year in Seattle for 1 full week on 2006, there were total of 4 hours of sun.
http://priuschat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5718&d=1189394198 I returned to the parking lot to find that ours was having a 'three-way' boo hoo
oh Angela, i'm glad your car has a bud....mine is a member of a huge commune here in Olympia...no matter where it goes, there are brothers and sisters all over the place...
Nooooo! My computer's being stupid and won't show the pic of your Prius 3-way! My computer's retarded. So I am imagining 3 Prii together, and it's a good thing. They always look best in groups, don't they?
Awww, it would be really cool to see that over here! I see a few on the roads, but almost never see them in parking lots. It's like they drop their drivers off at the store, and then go drive around town waiting for their driver to finish shopping. LOL.
actually, that would be a taxi cab and i cant say i remember seeing one of those around Oly, but i will say Enterprise has at least a half dozen or so available to rent
I've never seen a taxi Prius either, but I did know that Enterprise rents Prii out. I rented one back in 04 because I wanted to take it on my trip to OR so I could see if I could live with a Prius or not. Obviously I liked it, since I'm now driving one... I think Prii would make excellent taxi cabs or limo service vehicles (but please don't stretch one beyond it's factory length! ) because they can carry so much stuff and won't cost the company a crap-load of money in gas.
SEATAC Airport has a fleet of Prius Taxi's. I see them quite often down this way. I came out of the post office last week and found a lady standing next to my Salsa Red with a perplexed look on her face. Her SKS didn't work on my car. She was parked 2 cars down in a twin to my car. We laughed and said a few nice things about the Prius.
LOL! I understand her perplexion; I had the same moment of confusion when I approached the other Prius and it didn't respond to my SKS either. Then I saw mine on it's right, wondered which was mine, realised my error, and laughed. I had no idea SeaTac has Prius taxis! I was just there last Sunday and didn't see any at all (but saw tons in the rental car lots).
Yes SITTA (Seattle Tacoma Independant Taxi Assc.) has a fleet of 10 that have been in service since October. Pictured in this link. http://greencabview.blogspot.com/2007/09/i-spotted-this-prius-taxi-in-seattle.html
Ah! I love it! They even took the trim rings off! Microsoft has a ton of them too; I've seen them driving around.
My sister works for Microsoft and they have a whole fleet of them and use them to transport their employees from building to building on the Microsoft Campus. And they also use them as pool cars. I think its great. There used to be an semi-identical twin to my Prius here at my apartment complex in Kent, but they moved around September.
using Priuses to transport people around a campus that probably is no more than a few miles in any direction??? that is very very borderline acceptable in my book. a perfect use of NEV's here... a few weak claps are deserved....nothing more
I actually got into another white Prius outside a convenience store last year, and was wondering why it didn't look as cluttered as mine, when I realized I was in the wrong car!