Then it depends on what you want. Go fast or get gas mileage. Heck, I doubt the Evo is that bad on gas
I may have missed this, but have you driven a Prius? Its a way different experience. These are almost opposite ends of the spectrum. I can understand liking both, but its really more about either your need, or what statement you want to make.
Yes, I have driven the prius. It was nothing about performance. It was very quiet too. Comparing it to the evo is crazy. Well I don't really want to look like a geek, but then to me the prius is not a geek mobile. Its extremely neat.
Thats why I say that the Prius and the EVO are the best of both worlds. And almost in the same price range.
Well, don't know I'd go that far! Prius is way best in hybrid overall, EVo is still a toss up with STi. We plan to end up with a Prius and a WRX.
The evo still kicks the sti's A##. It may be faster becuase of the % difference to the front and back wheels, but the evo always comes out on top of the STI on tracks and handeling. WOO
When I mean % differnece I mean the ratio of power to the wheels. The evo is 50-50. The sti has more in the front, thus, it can launch better, but the evo catches it soo easily. Plus the STI is butt ugly!
Well, I think the EVo and STI are pretty ugly. Previous experience with turbo mitsus makes me shy away from another. Actually, STi has more to the rear. AWD darn hard to launch with either. The cars are fairly neck and neck...its just the iffyness of Mitsu for me. Oh, and I'm getting the wagon. Not a sedan fan.
You didn’t mention: What kind of car does your older brother drive? My guess is that he has never been in or driven a Prius, or is thinking of the classic Prius. You are now at a good age to show your independence from your older brother’s “crap†. . . and maybe educate him on what made the Prius “Car of the Year.†Do you wear the same clothes as your brother? Hang out with the same friends? Listen to the same music? Like the same foods? Etc. Historians write about “Great Leaders†not “Great Followers.†:wink:
Get the Prius. Give it an amazing paint job (and post a picture here for us to see)... When you get into college, you'll be much better off... Not only does it get great gas milage, you'll have the GPS nav system , and it is a hatchback with plenty of space for all your dorm room stuff. And BTW - We traded in our v8 Trans-am on our first 04 Prius. Sometimes I miss that car's power, but rarely, the Prius is a much better car... Love the Nav system.
You might want to look again. It is much worse than a 6 cyl Camry. The EVO highway is only 2 MPG better than the Camry city. And Mitsubishi says it needs premium gas. OUCH! Frankly, the EVO scares me. Not the car, but the marketing and target audience: Clearly targeted to young males looking for a speed high. The drivers on the road with the least experience and the highest accident rates. Though I don't know where that audience, in general, is going to get the money - the base RS is over $2K more than the most expensive Prius. Perhaps another untended result - hook them early with a I HAVE to have it "buy now, pay later" financial mindset. Audio: available 315-watt Infinity® CD audio system with 6 speakers plus trunk-mounted subwoofer. The wing on the 8 and MR is definately in 'ricer' range, the difference is that the base car isn't starting as a cheap rust bucket: [Broken External Image]: The best they can do for safety is a unibody structure, 2 air bags, child seats tether attachment points and electronically distributed braking force. Note that doesn't mean VSC, it means balancing the front and rear braking as the nose dives. Frankly Jordan, I am a bit surprised that your parents would even consider this as your first car.
Actually, it is based on an entry level car. It and the WRX are the muscle cars of the day. Great fun driving cars. Fast. Whole different world from a Prius. They all have their place, cool for different reasons.
Bruceha It handles like a dream. It has gigantic brembos that stop almost instantly. 4WD with r rated soft cmpd tires. And also it depends on the driver. What I mean is that I know how to control this car on the track. I have a friend that has a track and I race on it. DONT EVER DIS THE EVO man. The reason its thin is to loose weight. The only unsafe part of the car is the 2** side impact rating. First of all you will rarely get in an accident if you dont drive like an A$$HOLE. Racing is for the track, keep it there. Bruceha if you want performance, who gives a F$%^ what mpg it gets. Im a big boy now and I can choose what car I want, I don't need my parents to tell me what type of car to get. The other options were RSX type S, Audi S4, BMW M3, STi, 350Z/G35 and others high ranking in that category.
AND plus the insurance of this car is cheaper that any hybrid. Its classified as a Lancer ES 4DR. HAHAHA Eat that insurance company. People like you (bruceha) are people who really tick me off. Keep all of your negative opionions to yourself. OK?
Out of that list? A modded M3 is the only way to go. Out of my price range, but for my current life, that is what I'd like to have.
I agree, also out of my price range. I make a decent amount of money, but I dont have expenses like adults, Im 15. So I have a decent amount of cash to wet my beak. I have always been wanting to say that. :mrgreen:
Ah Jordan, I didn't dis the car, at least not intentionally. It might be the best thing going in its class on a track. Hmmm, I think I said that in my first or second post. YOU might be the next Mario Andretti skillwise, smart enough to keep racing on the track. That doesn't necessarily make it a good road car for most new drivers who aren't. There are those drivers on the public roads that drive as if they WERE on a closed track. A lot of them are younger drivers, often in sports cars or 'riced' Honda Civics - at least here. Not all of course, there was some jerk in a Blazer a couple of weeks ago. Weaving in and out on a 30 mph road, stomping on the gas and the brakes, tailgating a panel truck, he had NO idea what was ahead. He was exactly 2 cars ahead of me when I turned off 6 miles later. I know of many accidents where the person at fault was not young, new to driving nor in a sports car. I only corrected the comment that it probably got pretty decent mileage since it was small and light. Nothing more. Tell? No. You are a teenager, no one can 'tell' you anything. It is, however, your parents' job to direct, advise and if necessary veto. If they think an Evo 8 is a good first car, that is their choice. You are lucky, financially, that the Ins Co doesn't know what the car really is. Not sure how that mistake happened but since they checked it out, they can't say "WAIT, you lied and haven't been paying enough", we want back payments.