I'm new to this forum and have searched for an answer to my question and couldn't find one in an hour of searching. SO, here goes. How do I NOT use the A/C? How do I just use the VENT for outside air? CONFUSED Maybe I missed a posting? I know there are others with the same question Thanks, Robert in Pleasant Hill, CA BUY FROM Walnut Creek Toyota !!! Family owned and operated. STAY away from Sonic owned stores!
On your climate control screen, just touch the AC soft key to turn it off. You can still use the auto A/C but the AC compressor won't run. However, you may experience some fogging of the windows. I leave mine in auto A/C year round with the compressor turned on. Since it is electric, it won't run unless needed and I haven't noticed any degradation in MPG.
I hope you are not making the same mistake a lot of new owners do.. The AC does not mean Air Conditioner (cooling the air). Think of it not as AC but CA. Conditioning the Air because that's what it does it cools and HEATS the air according to the temperature you have set for the cabin. So it's conditioning the air not always cooling it like most people think of when they see AC. Keep it on and keep the faith. It knows what it is doing. I keep mine on all the time too.
Thanks for your input. I just want to make sure that I'm not running the AC / CA when I don't want / need to. So my next questions IZ, Does the AC / CA come on automatically when I drop the temperature with the control on steeringwheel? Like one of you mentioned above, I'm new to my Prius and want to MAXIMIZE it's usefullness. So far I love my little car. Came out of a Ford F-150. I won't be going back.
Russ33 is correct. the topic of air conditioning has been discussed forever on here, and indeed it conditions the air, whether that be warm or cool. It removes humidity from the air, so if you have just the vent on without the compressor, you may experience foggy windows, or the like. good luck!!
Yes, that's why it's called an automatic climate control. Just set the temperature and forget about the rest. In AUTO mode, even if the A/C button is lit (on the Climate screen), it doesn't mean it's on. It means that IF the computer thinks it's necessary (it's hot outside and it needs to blow cold air to you cause you asked for 68 degrees) or it needs to defrost or dehumidify the air (in the winter), it'll come on. If it's not needed, it'll stay off. So far I've left mine in AUTO this winter and the A/C hasn't come on. I know cause my side windows start fogging up a bit so I have to use the front defroster to clear them.
Wow, that is new to me! There is nothing about this is in the manual! Is this specific to Prius or all car AC?
That's why there were many, many topic contributions from owners to help create our own User-Guide. Mentioned in it is how to get outside air exclusively rather than the usual mix... by setting the temperature to MAX COLD. Try it. You'll notice a difference between that and the next click higher (65). .
Thanks John but can you tell me if this is specific to Prius and the way it is designed or common to all cars AC?
If you have manually shut off the Air Conditioner compressor (by touching the A/C soft button on the MFD so that the bar is not lit) and then you lower the temperature selection, it will not automatically turn the A/C compressor back on. If you then want the compressor (to cool the air) you have to either turn it back on manually or select "Auto."