I have uploaded some pictures of the rear fog lights (both sides of the car are identical) and the fog lights switch to the international photos section. As you can see, the rear light device is divided in two sections on its lower part : the center part is for the fog light (wich is much brighter), and the side part is for the tail light. Usually, the fog light bulb is 25W, and the tail light bulb is 5W. The siwtch has three positions : 1 - permament - off 2 - permanent - front fog light 3 - temporary - one pulse = front + rear - one pulse = front only With a bit of luck, you'll find an empty socket where to put a light bulb into your US rear light device. But, if I'm right, the hardest part will be to wire it ... Richard. 8)
Thanks for your help! So you are saying that there are TWO rear fog lights on both the passanger and driver's side? Even if there is a socket I don't think the interior of the tail lamps are the same in regards to the "divider" between the taillamp and fog lamp. I think at the very least US owners will have to order at least the switch and one tail lamp assembly if not two. Thanks again. Peter Miami, FL USA
You're right, Peter. There are two rear fog lights, one on each car's side, despite the fact that the law in France impose only the driver's side (wich I have on my C240 Mercedes). By the way, could you take a look under your hood, and give me an advice about my Thermos problem (see in Prius main forum) ? Thanks, Richard. 8)
Actually, the US interior of the taillights is the same as the European. If by interior you mean the back side of the taillight. See http://www.vfaq.net/proj-pics/lights/sockets.jpg - notice that the back of the US taillight housing has the holes for the 2 bulbs used in the French version. But the exterior half of the taillight housing is different, with 2 of the trapezoidal bulb surrounds around the 2 bulbs, similar to the single surround on the centered bulb on the US housing. So yes, you'd have to get at least one Euro taillight housing if you wanted to do it right.
By interior I meant the reflective material inside that light assembly. But yes ordering the whole thing does seem nessary and I'm not sure Toyota even seels that lamps "pisce by piece".