HELP! I am the proud new owner of a 2008 package 5. I love so many things about this car, but I keep hearing these tinny rattling sounds coming from the area of each front seatbelt (up/down) adjuster whenever I drive on a moderately bumpy road (such as I-5). I have tried pulling the seatbelt taunt to see if that helped (nope), and have pressed down all around the area while hearing the noise (nope). When it's on, the radio doesn't drown it out all the way because it is so close to my ear. I am hesitant to take it to the dealer because we bought out of state, so I'd have to take it to another dealership with people I don't know who might hurt it I have looked through the sight and have seen other noise complaints, but not in this area. Has anyone else noticed this problem, or is this my OCD kicking in? Thanks for any advice!
That is 'OCD'? I've never heard this in my Prius. I feel your pain...the rattling noise next to your ears can be annoying. I'd say take it in to your preferred Toyota dealer/shop. Time will come that you will have to take in your Prius for maintenance, so might as well get to know your shop early and trust them for their work. An out of state dealer can he a hassle, if you don't feel like driving that far. The car is in warranty - I would take advantage of it. Oh yes, congrats on your new ride.
my '01 does that too. i put the seatbelt adjuster on the lowest setting, which makes it worse, but i don't like to have my neck sawn. whenever it starts to make that noise i just kinda touch the plastic (the part that slides up & down) and reseat it i guess (??). it stops for awhile, then starts back up again. but it does seem like there is air blowing through/around it.
Look at the thread "B-Pillar Rattle" it talks a little more about this rattle. My wife's has been mostly resolved with some sound deadening foam installed by my Toyota dealeship but it still rattles occasionally. Eventually I plan on putting a couple of Dynamat Extreme bulk packs throughout her car like mine to make it even more silent which will also solve this little rattle I assume. Happy driving, Chris
My 2013 has this issue. The seat belt adjuster rattles on the top setting. The rattle stops if I move it down to the middle or bottom. I am tall, so the top setting is where I want it. At my first service, dealer could not find anything wrong. It is right in my ear, so I hear it all the time.