I was roaming around downtown and it was getting cold in the car. So, as I generally do, I said, "Raise Temperature" and the Prius agreed to raise the temperature by the "Raising Tempterature" annoucement. BUT It didn't actually raise the temperature, it just said it was going to and didn't do it. So I tried a few more times, told it to raise the temperature and it said it was doing that, but it lied. IT LIED. I looked on the Climate control screen and it was on 71 degrees, and never moved from that # after telling the car multiple times. AND it understood me and agreed to do the temp adjustment. Finally, I just pressed the AC Auto button {it was ON already} so I turned it off and back on again and tried once more, "Raise Temperature" and bingo! It acutally said and did it this time. Is there and AC gremlin that I am unaware of? I never turn off the AC-Auto mode. I like climate control to control my climate all the time. SO it was like I reset it..... So weird.
That is weird. I've never experienced that, but I've also never used the "raise temperture" command either. I'd be curious if you can reproduce it under any conditions.
well, I've never had that problem, but then I never use the ac-auto mode, because the fan is too blowy. It puts it right up high when trying to cool the car as quickly as possible.
I only use the verbal temp controls when I have people in the car. It's really cool to say, "72 degrees" and have Priapus reply. But I've never had him lie to me. If I remember, I'll play around with it tomorrow.
I too have only used the "72 degrees" mainly because it is way cool and impresses the peasants. OK I am over the way over the top but I do love to show off this car. I have never used the raise temperature, I will do it tomorrow. There are some command that I can not use. Home is OK but Go Home works one in four. I am very careful to only use the ones that work well when I am showing off my car. It is way cool after all, and I will try to be nice.
Let me get this straight - you push a button on the right side of the steering wheel so you can tell the system to do what you could have done by simply pushing a button on the other side of the wheel? <grin> Makes sense to me...
If you say "Raise Temperature" it raises the temp 3 Degrees more. Only requires on button push instead of three. Get it?
I'm just surprised that there is a Prius that let you talk to it! My dealer never told me about this. I bought a 2005/#4 (same as 2004/#7) Al
They probably didn't tell you that because you can't. Voice recognition only comes with the NAV package, as does the BlueTooth
But you can with the nav package? It turns out there are more differences between the NAV package (#9 I assume) and other packages than my dealer told me. I was told by dealer the only difference between #9 and #7 was the NAV. I wish I had found this board before buying. Al
I only use the voice option with passengers in the car otherwise I use the button "on the other side of the steering wheel" :mrgreen: The voice system is cool when it works. It still has a few rough edges. BTW I had my own gremlin last night. I got in my car in a parking lot powered up and backed up and tried to put it in drive then I got the red triangle on the dash and a warning to push the park button. What goes on here? I push park and try to put it in gear same thing. There I sat in the parking lot blocking everything. I powered down and up and same thing. I powered down and then noticed the driver door was slightly agar. I suspect the door was closed enough to back up and then I leaned on the door enough to open it and got the door open park button warning. I shut the door put it in drive and off I went. My old car just had a light when the drivers door was ajar but I could drive it. I guess you can't drive a Prius with the door open.
OK I did some expermentation and what I experienced is not a gremlin it is a bug in the cars computer system. What I missed is the door agar symbol on the dash. If the driver door is open and you power up you can put it in reverse and drive with the door open. When you stop and put it in drive you get the "put it in park etc Warning" The car goes into drive and is drivable with the driver door open. This is the same screen I have gotten if I park the car in a hurry and get the door open before I hit the park or power button. I think if you are moving the screen should tell you to shut the door not some blather about Park, neutral and the battery going dead. It's a bug in my opinion.
I've had similar NAV gremlins myself. I'll say cancel destinations or suspend guidence, and it will continue guiding me. The Menu screen even says guidence is suspended or shows no active destionations. Yesterday Bluetooth didn't start at all (the phone buttons didn't do anything, and the phone didn't have a BT connection). I had to hop into the diag mode and exit (soft reboot) before it went back to normal. Both pretty odd indeed.