I am taking a last minute road trip from Chicago to the Toronto area for a funeral. I leave Friday. Besides the obvious- tire pressure, oil change, fluids etc. Is there anything I should do to make the trip better and more economical? I am driving by myself if that makes any difference.
My condolences. I'd consider putting a first aid kit, blanket, cellphone and charger in the car as well. They can be pretty useful in the winter. That being said, to make the ride more comfortable, I find good tunes, an abundance of delicious liquids, a road map or GPS, some nibbles and the wind in your hair (does not apply in winter!) can make for a more pleasent driving experience. Safe driving. MAB
Better? Get an iPod/mp3 player and plug it into the AUX. Set up the right playlist and enjoy! Also, put a few podcasts on. It really is a great opportunity to learn about something new or to gain a fresh perspective on something. I'm a big fan of the podcast world. Economical? Drive on the Interstates at 60-65mph. Follow a truck (at a safe distance) -- it will not only break a bit of the wind for you, it will set a reasonable pace for you. You'll be able to gain speed going down hills and properly manage speed going up the hills. Of course, you can simply set the car on cruise control and spend more time listening to tunes or podcasts.
Well I got back on X-mas eve from my road trip. It was about 1200 miles round trip. I averaged 43.4 mpg there- I was not driving too conservatively. I had the cruise control set at about 72mph with the heat going most of the way. On the way back I averaged a dismal 39.7mpg. I was fighting a very nasty head wind and strong side winds for 12 hours. It has not a very relaxing drive. All in all I am happy with the way the Prius drove- it did well in the deep snow of Ontario and did well through the Michigan blinding snow I drove through.
Glad you made it back and were able to put the Prius to the Toronto test. I'm sure you will be able to improve your mileage with a bit more road experience. Still, you would be ecstatic to have have mileage like you reported were you driving in any other (ICE) car -- Non?
yeah, I started listening to these. It is good info. Anyone that wants to check it out: ToyotaLiveWeb.com | Podcasts | Toyota WebTV RSS Feed: Priuscast
the emergency blanket & first aid kit is good advice. but also don't forget a 9v air compressor to fill the tires if they lose air on the road and a 9v large flashlight(mine has built-in tools) & some bungee cords. these items fit nicely in the "secret" compartment under the rear cargo area. up front I keep a small l.e.d. flashlight that winds up and never requires batteries. By the way, why take these items just for a road trip, keep these in your car at all times, especially since they hide away so nicely in the prius.