Okay, so I love Futurama. LOVE it. I own all of the season's on DVD and have probably seen each episode at least four times. I think it's one of the sharpest, funniest shows of all time. I thought that the new Futurama DVD would carry all of the old wit with it but, well, it was really pretty un-funny. Gone is the wit of death by snu snu, the long lost city of Atlanta, and escapades in the Lovenasium with the Velour Fog. The humor was all replaced by pointless cameos and "jokes" like scammer aliens singing "Hey, hey, hey. We took your stuff" to the tune of Steam's "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye". What happened? It's like the Simpsons where the first few seasons were hillarious, though the later seasons became completely dull, shallow and unwatchable!
Oh man. I don't want to hear that. You mean there's no "These balls are making me testy" and no "balls thoroughly licked"? I was on the Internet Movie DataBase (www.imdb.com) the other day and noticed that the voice actors are all listed with multiple new Futurama projects in post-production. I will rent Bender's Big Score regardless of the reviews because I want to see Futurama back on television.
I thought the movie was OK. Not as good as the TV shows but still pretty funny. Seems like they dragged things out too much in the movie. Half way through watching I thought "isn't this thing over yet?" but I guess we are all used to watching 22min of a plot and then the end comes. I could say the same thing about the Simpsons movie.
No bender saying, "Will that be my place... or you", no Prof. Farnsworth saying, "I knew I should have shown him 'Electro-Gonnorhea, the Noisy Killer'", no Fry saying "I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth". I think they're trying to do well selling the DVD so that Fox will pick them up again. There are three or four DVD's coming, each of which will be sliced into small chunks and showed as "episodes" on Comedy Central. I personally want Futurama to be on TV again, but the REAL Futurama, with the original writers. A poor script with the original voice actors doesn't do it for me. See, I didn't even see the Simpsons movie because I think they stopped being funny long ago (the old episodes still crack me up). I can watch episode after episode of Futurama and still be rolling on the ground laughing, but I don't think there was a single time in the movie that had me more than just chuckling a little (the funny joke [singular] was when Bender said the tatoo on Fry's butt made him feel like he was staring into a smelly mirror). I'd say "at least we still have Scrubs" but it's been put on hiatus now, too.
Rent first, but I would buy it if you like it (the number of copies sold will show how popular it is) as there looks to be a 2012 version of the Prius in a few scenes (with Al Gore as the driver). I rather enjoyed it myself. If you go to the ComicCon comic special section (on the DVD), I was part of the laughter during the read (like you can hear me).
This has nothing to do with the movie but this is one of my favorite pictures of Futurama. WARNING might not be safe for work. Nothing revealing but its damn sexy. http://www.sarcasticmyspace.com/graphics/blakkfrogg/comments121/pics_oh-sweet-futurama-on.jpg These movies are going to be great and all but I sure hope that the new TV episodes will be more like the originals. I hope they don't pull a Family Guy and make things a little more weird than it needs to be. If your also a fan of Family Guy you know what I mean. The new episodes are still funny but its still just does not seem right. Maybe its because they keep using more and more 3D in the show and the 3D just does not look right. But Futurama used it from the start and I think they do a good job with it.