Hi Everyone! On Saturday I completed the sale of my beloved Prius to my new friend Jim from Chicago. More on that in a future post! Today I took delivery of my replacement 2005 Salsa "BC." The "old" Prius came with this beautiful, black leather, zippered, Toyota case to hold all the dealer documents and the owner's manuals. The 2005 came with a cheesy red, plastic, folder with the dealer's name on it. What happened to that nice case? Was it a "gift" from the great folks at Florin Road Toyota in Sacramento, or did the dealer here in MI just cheap out on me? It's curiously annoying... What do YOU have?
My 04 has the Black Faux Leather zipper case with the pockets and insert pages inside that hold everything.
manila envelope-type thing that my dealership put everything into. my s.o.'s Passat has a really nice black case for all his manuals... but as we say, our cars have different "fancy" things about them.
Relatively ugly red plastic pouch. But it conveniently fits right in its little spot in the lower glove compartment.
8) All this seems a little strange. When I bought my wife her 03 Avalon all the manual came in a plastic holder. I just bought my son a 05 RAV4 for graduation/starting collage gift and it also came with a little gray plastic holder. A little cheap don’t you think. Again I say us 04 Prius were just treated special...
Nothing I think this is a dealer thing. Oh well I did get it for MSRP and I got licenses plate holders. :mrgreen:
I didn't get anything to put the manuals in... However, I had an honest salesman who respected me as a 17 year-old, and didn't make me pay a penny over MSRP. I can live without that leather binder. It's funny, my mom's Audi came with this soft leather pouch and they sent us cookies, flowers, cards, etc... The message is that it's all up to the dealer....
I gave a call to my original dealer to see if I could weasle a folder from him. Doubtful, but worth a try! Now... Don't give them too much credit for respecting you. Since most young people have zero experience in car purchases, the worse most dealers are going to do is ask a 17 year old to pay MSRP for any car. You and (I) were happy to do so! I still believe the vast majority of Toyota dealers are doing MSRP without marking up the car with useless, over-priced add-ons. Ray Ujimori at Florin Road Toyota in Sacramento didn't even ask for a deposit!
Got all my financal work in the cheesey red plastic,but my manual and all the things about warrentys ect. came in a heavy duty black plastic organizer where the maunal slips in, like a checkbook and then other holders for cards ect....
Some sort of leather folder thingy. Will make a picture of it. Fits in the lower half of the glove compartments.
Now that everyone is talking about it, I wonder now that I have 16000 miles if I can still go back and try to get a manual and document cover out of them. It would only be worth it if the thing were a nice leather one and I didn't have to pay for it... I am not fond of the cheesy red ones some people have been referring to. Priusham, I appreciate your imput, but you're wrong. I worked at a VW dealership; half the salesman are jackasses and they know it. They would laugh up a storm in the breakroom about how they would screw someone over into buying a car that got scratched up during delivery, but the customer didn't notice since it was dark. They were fond of telling about making people pay way over MSRP for the Passat TDI. They would tell people that most dealerships were charging 5000 over, but since "we are family runned" we only need 3000. ukeright: They would even make dirty jokes about the other salesman when they weren't around, and yes they made fun of the kids buying cars with their parents, especially the ones getting really good cars. Beyond that, our family has bought 4 cars in the last 2 years, I was around for all 4 purchases. I was with my aunt when she got her Corolla in July, I was with my best friend when he got his Prius earlier this year, and when my friend totalled her Blazer into a parked car, I was with her when she got a new Corolla this summer. After seeing a lot of jackass salespeople in that "shopping spree" and considering that some dealers were selling the Prius at 7000 ove MSRP, I will again say, I had an honest salesman who respected me as a 17 year-old, and didn't make me pay a penny over MSRP.
My stuff was in a white Paper/cardboard envelope (kind of oversided thing similar dimensions to the manual itself).
Read my comment again young Jedi... in particular, dwell on the meaning of the phrase, "most young people..." a catagory you obviously do not fall into.
all my stuff was handed to me... I did see one of the black leather folders go out for auction on eBay.. hmmmm.. sold for way more than I'd give... about $30.00... wish I'd bid more, now Bob Andersen