I have a new 2008 Prius (just a couple of weeks old) in which I successfully paired my Treo 680 cellphone and used it for several days with no problems. The Treo has the latest software updates installed. I decided to pair my wifes Nokia 6102 phone so that she could also use her phone in the car. The pairing went well and that phone appeared to be working just fine. Later on I got in the car and a phone call came in on Treo 680 but the car did not pick up the call. After taking the call directly from my Treo, I begain investigating why the Prius did not pick up. It seems now that the Prius does not see the Treo at all so I deleted all of the pairings and decided to start fresh. The Treo status page indicates it last connected with the Prius during my most recent paring attempt yet the Prius does not connect with my Treo. I changed the name of the pairing and deleted all pairings from my phone and attempt to register the phone again. The Treo trusted device name shows up as the original Prius connection name (HANDS FREE) rather than the new name I gave it. The Treo status shows the correct Bluetooth ID which matches the Prius. I then tried to pair my Nokia 6102 phone. This phone causes the Prius to immediately report a failure attempting to connect to the Nokia phone when I try to register it, but the Nokia shows the device name to be the new name that I assigned to the connection. I have made many attempts to reset default settings, deleted pairings in an attempt to get either phone to work and now neither one works. Is there any way to hard reset the Bluetooth interface in the Prius? Would disconnecting the 12 Volt power source reset the hardware? Or should I just take it back to Toyota and hope they can fix it?
You do realize that you have to manually switch back and forth between the two pairings. The Prius will only work with one at a time, so if you have set it up to work with your wife's phone, it will no longer automatically work with yours. You can switch phones from the MFD screen. Likewise, on the MFD screen, make sure you have it set to automatically connect, otherwise you have to do that manually each time you power up the car. Tom
Yes, I understand that. However right now there are no pairings at all because I deleted them and am now trying to reestablish a new single phone pairing. Interesting thing is that if I enter a valid passcode in my Treo, the Treo continues as if everything worked and the status indicates the timestamp in which it last connected as being the timestamp that I paired the device, but the Prius does not ever indicate that it saw the pairing message and continues to show no bluetooth devices connected. However, if I enter an INVALID passcode, the Prius knows about that however because it then displays a failure message. Yet my Nokia phone returns a failure message regardless of whether I enter a good passcode or not.
Bluetooth Problems Resolved FINALLY! I had one more phone to try, another Nokia and it accepted the passcode and connected successfully like it should but only after I manually made the connection. I then went back to my Treo and tried again, and again with no success. Then after much searching I stumbled onto the instructions for how to manually connect the Treo 680 by going to the trusted devices screen and pressing the menu button, there is a CONNECT sub menu that when clicked, performs a manual connect to the car (which was still in the awaiting passcode screen). Walahhh! The car perked up and recognized the phone at last! Now I can switch between the two phones and use whichever I choose. So for those using the Treo 680 version 2.11 with Bluetooth Manager v. 3.2C, you may have to MANUALLY connect in order for the car to complete the registration exchange. I hope this helps others having problems registering their phones.