The Chevy Volt is changing! During a blogger dinner at the Los Angeles Auto Show, GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz declared that the aerodynamics of the Chevy Volt concept proved to be a real disappointment. In Lutz's words, the aerodynamics might have been better if they put it in the wind tunnel backwards. Lutz acknowledged that the production Volt would still be recognizable as a Volt, but would definitely be different. Full Article
Isn't this what posters said about that ugly, big, blunt nose (and the ugly chrome) when the concept pictures and photos first came out? I don't see how it is still going to look like their concept Volt if they fix the aerodynamics enough to have a considerable impact. Then it will look like...a Prius.
If I was an air molecule I wouldn't want to go near that ugly thing either. Looked like a coffin with wheels rather than a car. I just looked over the pictures. I find it hard to believe Chev have had that mock up since January 2007 (check the image dates) and only now are they saying it has similar aerodynamics to a army parachute. So for the last 12 months it has been 98% promotion 2% development!
Do you think that the Detroit 3 keep cranking out angular designs because they're afraid of looking as if they're copying the Japanese? That would explain why they make so many we-don't-give-a-damn-about-aerodynamics cars. Do they not have the ability to come out with curvy designs that are original and take solving drag coefficient to a new level without looking like a Prius? 'We cain't do curves 'cause that's what them rice burners have. We either do angles or we're gonna look like them. Shoooooot.'
Judging from the picture, it could be any Chevy SUV any Chevy coupe any Chevy sedan any Chevy.... well, you get my point. It looks like their internal graphics design guys had a good time making the Volt look like, well, anything. Nice and blurry except for that subliminal "swoosh" to show the aerodynamics.
unbelievable, this is pure insanity, how can you over look something as important as aerodynamics. This makes them look like such idiots.
Let me say that I, too, have been harping that the design, though cool looking (IMO), made little practical sense... aerodynamics, visibility, etc. But, the Volt, as we saw it, was a concept car. It was designed like it was to make a big impression at car shows and to elicit feedback, positive or negative, for the idea. They didn't, and still don't, know if it's going to be a 4 seater or a 5 seater at this point. So I'm not too upset that they're just now tweaking aerodynamics...I think all the body design, features, etc. are just now being fine tuned.
At least they're not trying to look like something they're not! But again, aerodynamics don't matter in a comic book car that nobody ever intended to leave comic books. Consider the batmobile: those jet engines on the back would be idiotic on a real car. But it's a comic book, and they look cool, so it's all good. The Volt is a comic book. Looks are all that matter. Aerodynamics, driver visibility, even brakes don't matter because the guy drawing the pictures doesn't need any of that. If they ever do get forced into building the Volt, they'll have to design a real body for it, and you can bet it won't look anything like the pictures they're showing us now.
Anyone care to start a poll that the production Volt looks more like an EV-1 than the current Volt? I really think that GM should embrace the EV-1 instead of trying to ignore it. Ronald Reagan made a point of running on his differences (from the other candidates) - communications strengths. He was able to run on his differences all the way to the White House. GM should do the same. It is time to embrace the EV-1. The Volt should have its name changed to the EV-2 and they should resurrect the ad that was run to announce the EV-1 where all of the electrical appliances in the house were energized and came out to pay homage to the EV-1....
If the Volt were to be built, and were to be as described by GM now, it would not be an EV. It would be a PHEV. Therefore, calling it the EV-2 would not work. Further, they're claiming that it will be either a 4-passenger or a 5-passenger car. The EV-1 was a two-passenger car. But of course, the Volt is nothing but a comic book, so it can really be whatever some artist wants it to be. It could levitate, drive into parking spaces sideways, have a nuclear reactor, and reconstitute dehydrated eggs for your breakfast while you drive.
Okay. Let's talk about idiots and advertising. No. They're assuming the public is idiots. When I was in High School (way before classes that taught you about advertising gimmicks) I remember watching a commercial for a new laundry detergent. It got your clothes cleaner than the competitor because it had "power crystals". They were little blue crystals mixed in with the detergent. To illustrate this point, a cup of the competitor was poured into a glass Pyrex measuring cup and a cup of the new improved with power crystals detergent was poured into a glass Pyrex measuring cup. The actress then picked them both up, one in each hand and proceeded to compare their weight. The she declared the detergent with the power crystals "feels concentrated". I then turned to my parents and said "Does this woman think I'm an idiot?" How can that possibly "feel" concentrated. You aren't going to feel any weight difference. My Mom sighed and said well, yeah. My Dad said they assume everyone is an idiot. Just ignore it. This is how Corportations see the public. We are just idiots to them. I tend to patronize manufacturers that treat me with respect and don't assume I am an idiot. Right now, GM is treating my like an idiot. Yet another reason I'll avoid the Volt even if it gets to market. Because I know they'll be another Volt-like or Volt-alternative out there made by another company that doesn't assume I'm stupid.
Re: Okay. Let's talk about idiots and advertising. And the fact that those commercials worked then, and still work now, suggests that for the most part they are right. Most people are idiots. Don't believe me? Look at what they drive.
If GM is smart enough (big stretch, I know) to go the Hy-wire design approach with the Volt, it will easily lend itself to any number of configurations.
The volt, in prototype or pre-prod and regardless of which direction it's supposed to point, was notably absent from the new england auto show. Duh. . _H*