It was for my 2.5 years old niece. It was the kid size, not sure if it was full or twins. I'll find out from my sis. The width was a perfect fit.
I don't have photos, but we bought DH's mom a chest freezer, and then loaded it into the Prius, and drove it to her house. It has LOTS of room in there! [okay, it was a small chest freezer. and we couldn't close the hatch. and, it was only about a half a mile. but still... that couldn't have been done with the malibu we used to have!]
I understand your situation because its similar to mine only reversed. If I had my way we'd have some sort of small to midsized SUV instead of the Prius. Its a great little car but its not my thing and I miss having an SUV for trips, snow, etc. However, the Prius is her car. She makes the car payment out of her pay and its her decision. She tells me if I want to pay for it she'll drive whatever I want, but as long as she's working to pay for it she's going to drive what she wants and she's absolutely right. Even if I were paying for it I still would have her drive what she wants. Who wants to drive around in some vehicle that they don't feel is theirs because its something their spouse wanted for weekends? I don't do that, I drive what I want to drive so why shouldn't she? I say sit her down and talk about it. When you purchased that 07 MDX was that a perfectly financially reasonable decision? Those things are expensive, a lot more expensive than a Prius and if you can afford it and the Prius is what you want you're within your rights to insist IMHO.
This is such an excellent observation. It's so true, but so often overlooked in the quiet listener in this type of conversation. A COROLLA IS TINY. The Prius is much closer in the front to a Camry in terms of room, and the Corolla is all Civic in the rear. And I was recently in a 2007 Corolla with CVT; I seem to remember being shocked by how quiet it was the whole ride (absense of engine noise, specifically). But at the same time this was with the same guy driving it who was afraid to rev my Mustang up past 3k RPM... Maybe he just never used the accelerator.
My mother has a Camry. She bought a bunch of chairs from Bed Bath and Beyond and they wouldn't fit in her car. I drove over, and no problem - slide them all in there, shut the hatch and we got them home. I think there is nothing better than a hatchback.
Well, the picture of the new Prius Camper Edition, exclusively introduced on PriusChat in the above pictures, should convince you that it is actually bigger on the inside than on the outside, a cunning Japanese accomplishment that results in exceptional comfort and low wind resistance for better milage. I have one of the first, and my family of four, plus our Bassett hound Bugleboy, spent an enjoyable fortnight touring Baja last summer. (We selected the adjustable-firmness Sleep Number Mattress option, well worth the extra price.) But the question seems to be: "My Prius or my wife...." As Jack Benny said, "I'm thinking! I'm thinking!"
Keep the wife; but have the car on the side. Rent a garage somewhere separate for it and she doesn't even have to know
My wife doesn't drive the Prius, but doesn't mind riding in it. She says it's too complicated to drive, and doesn't want to be responsible for the first dent. She sticks with her RAV4. I agree with the others who stated that you would be better off with a newer Pri, if possible. You get more features, improvments and warranty.
I don't understand how people think it's too complicated to drive a car that you shift exactly once every time you start it, enables you to see behind you without turning your head, and does everything for you short of actually driving you there ~ dan ~
Same with me. I wanted a Prius for years. My wife's Volvo was getting very old. She was not at all interested in the Prius, or any hybrid. Shortly after I bought my Prius, she realized how great it was, and bought one for herself! Now my Father-in-law traded his Volvo for a Prius.
Merry Christmas to all! My wife said that she would sit in it if I bought one so that 's progress. I receives a quote for a 2008 package 2 for $21,700 + tax license from a dealer in San Francisco- good until end of year. I understand that a package 2 does not have a security alarm. Is it easy to add aftermarket? Does anyone have the standard stereo (6 speaker)- if so how is the sound quality? I am trying to cut costs to justify the trade. I can probaby get 17K total if I sell 2 of the 3 cars we have (2003 Maxima, 1995 Maxima). Thanks
MMy SO balked at first on driving my Prius, saying it was too complicated. but after ONE drive, she now loves the car and since getting my Zenn, she now puts on 80% of the mileage on the Prius. the other 20% is when we are on family outings. also, get side air bags and also GET SIDE AIRBAGS!!! you mentioned safety. well besides the extra airbags which puts rear passenger safety rating of the Prius at the top of the list, it also has VSC which is another huge safety improvement. its less than $2000.... a no brainer imho. it could mean the difference between a mild concussion and a funeral or a lifetime of surgeries that will never yield satisfactory results.
You don't really need the security alarm. A Prius is really hard to steal. You'd need a flatbed truck to haul it away to steal, and an alarm won't help you there. Be sure you get the side airbags. If package #2 has the VSC, fine. You don't really need all the bell and whistles of the higher packages. You can buy an after market GPS. Sound quality is easy to upgrade after market. You can add leather too. But you can't add the VSC or side impact airbags. So be sure you buy the package that has everything you want. BTW price sounds pretty good. If wife has her own car, she only has to sit in it when you both drive together. Warning: Do not let wife drive it. You'll never get it back.
From what I have read, the 9 speaker premium sound system is not much better, and I found it disappointing. So if I were doing it over, I would get the 6, and save the money and use it for an aftermarket upgrade. As it is I am itching to upgrade the premium system.
When we bought Rudy, the side airbags were standard equipment (new in 2007)... I would be amazed if they weren't standard in the 2008, too.
Does it come with a Flux Capacitor? And if not, can the traction battery be stepped up to provide 1.21 giga-watts?