Hi all, a couple of days ago I managed to clip a garbage can while backing out of my driveway, and it yanked the left side mirror out of its socket. I think it may be broken off, but I can't tell for sure. I do know that the mirror adjusting button doesn't work for the left mirror any more. Does anyone know how much it might cost to get it fixed? Thanks!
I don't think it's gonna be cheep by any means because of the defroster inside of it. I think you're better off ordering the cooler, folding type or the kind that has the turn signals built into them.
I'm sorry to hear about the damage on your side mirror. Get an estimate from your local Toyota body shop and weigh your options. It might be better to use your insurance, if the repair is going to cost a bunch.
I asked when I broke the 3 bolts (made of aluminum) when installing my signal mirrors. They quoted me $200+ for one set (painting extra). The installation is easy. You can do it yourself. Even if you ask the dealer to do it, it won't be more than 1/2 hour labor charge ($50?). Anyway, I went to Home Depot and found replacement bolts that worked. Your mirror might not be broken at all. It could be as simple as a loose connection. It is very easy to disassemble the mirrors. Try search for "signal mirror" on this site. You will see many threads discussing "how". You would probably find some documents describing how to do it step by step. If you can't, PM me. I will find it for you. Good Luck.
Those bolts, I believe, are designed to break away. At least, I hope so, considering how easy it is to break them when reinstalling them. Bolts from Home Depot likely aren't designed to break away, possibly causing more damage if the mirror were to be hit where it can't fold enough. I broke one of them when I was putting my mirror back on. I don't recall why I had it off in the first place... still haven't replaced it.
Thanks for the replies. Luckily (?), the part that attaches to the body of the car appears to be intact, but the part with the mirror itself is hanging by the wires. I have tied the thing down so I can at least drive the thing safely until I get it fixed. I'll call up the dealer next week and see what they say.
Prius mirrors, as with most Toyota mirrors, are order already painted. Installation is VERY simple. The hardest part is removing the door panel in order to get to the electrical connector. It is about 4-6 inches down. (Some models of Toyotas have the connector right at the mirror base, I wish all of them did! It would make my life simpler) If you want to send me a PM I can send you e-copies of the repair manual pages from TIS.