My Prius replaced a 1996 Saturn SC2 that 10 years old with 180k miles on it & had seen its fair share of accidents. It was a small coupe and I needed something better suited to our growing family.
I traded in my 04 Saturn Ion 3 quad-coupe (the one with the suicide doors) for my Prius. It was a great car, though it got about half the fuel economy I'm seeing now. I was sad to see it go though. Funny how you can get emotionally attached to a car. I suspect the Prius will elicit emotional attachment as well, though I've only had mine for a few days so far.
The 2008 Prius replaced our fully-optioned 2001 BMW X5 4.4 with 76k miles and we could not be any happier...Happy Holidays!
I trade in my 2001 Honda Insight for the Prius. The Honda hybrid treated me well, but I had 132,000 miles on it and replaced the batteries once.
Expect to turn Vegan, and vote as a Liberal None of the changes will hurt you, btw LOL.... welcome to the Prius cul... um, culture, yes, that's it. Prius Culture.
On Labor Day 2007, I traded in my 97 Buick Century with only 66,000 miles for my Prius. It was my Dad's car which I bought when his lease was up and he quit drivng. It was a fine car and the mileage was decent - 23 mpg for normal driving, but I always preferred smaller cars. I really liked the type 2 Prius when it came out. When I had the opportunity to dump the Buick I looked at PTs, and HHRs besides the Prius and the Prius won. I had to wait a month to get the Seaside Pearl. I also researched the car with Consumer Reports and this and other chat forums and found that it is a dependable car despite the technology. I also learned on this forum that the OEM Affinity tires were poor and replaced them with Good Year Comfort Treads the day after I picked up the car. I really like the Prius. It holds my bike withot having to remove the front wheel, and holds a wheel chair behind the back seat. I've been getting 42 to 51 MPG with the lower mileage since the weather got cold. I calculate the mileage and find the results are different from the video reading. Cool car!
Phil from UK here. Planning on getting a Prius next week to use as my day-today commuting car. Will still use my Renault Espace MPV for family trips and Holidays (usefull for the luggage space!)
My five year lease was up on my 4Runner, of which I loved...I thought I would miss it, but am very happy with my "06" Prius...I was getting about 19 mpg, and now approx 45mpg...Plus the benefits of the HOV when I'm alone...Enjoy
I switched from a '96 Chevy Blazer (with 115k miles on it) to a Prius a couple of weeks ago. Quite a step up!
Evening all, My Prius T-Spirit was delivered today at 07:30 It had a whole 6 miles on the clock It has replaced a Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi diesel which I am glad to see the back of. I took the final readings off the Vectra before it was loaded and taken away. The stats are as follows: Total Milage 59,539.1 Average Speed 37 MPH Fuel used 1354 UK Glallons Average MPG 44 Quite sobering to think that over the life of that car its burned that much fuel. We will see how the Prius does over the next three years. I also have quite a nice surprise when I check the road tax disc and notice that it costs £15 a year for road tax. The Vectra was £185 Best Regards Mick
Good on ya Mick, I trust the Prius will make you happy. Is diesel a little more expensive than petrol there? I'm running at about 55MPG UK and I am not driving particularly different to how I drove any other car, always first away at the lights but often the last to stop at the next set if I stop at all. How was the Vectra for service costs?
I'm replacing a 1998 Toyota Corolla... It was a good car but the years were catching up to it... Also I used to fill up when the times were good and it drove about 230-240miles/tank... And that was ok... I liked the technology and "clean/green feeling" of the Prius when I took the test drive... so I bought it... Now I average 440-500miles/tank... and thats even better