All- Finally got my 2008 Touring Package 6 this past weekend, after placing an order August 15. Yes, they're that rare in New Jersey! Anyway, I want to put some door edge gaurds on, but all the local auto parts stores have is black and clear. My car is Mag Grey - anyone know where I can get some gray door edge guards? Thanks! -MKL
Were you "preferenced" or were you told a car was being built specifically for you or did you have to go through the allocation lottery? Sorry not to be able to answer your actual question, but we're looking for any glimmer of hope about getting a Touring Package 6 in New Jersey.
Really? I thought NJ had lots of em, my prius even though I bought in upstate NY was originally from NJ. My dealership swapped another car for what eventually became my black touring package 3