i just played this game this week and guess what, You can race a Prius! All i got to say is i dont know if its the game but my prius cant go as fast as the one in the game
Umm... I think the game version tops out at 170km/h? All I know is that in the game, you can EV up to 80km/h lol. That's not realistic.
I'm pissed I'll have to buy a PS3 just for this game. Oh well, there's always Final Fantasy one of these years....
Gran Turismo 4 is on the PS2. You can get one of those for $129 max. Unless the OP meant Gran Turismo 5...
There's no Prius in GT5 Prologue Demo. I don't know if Prologue will have a Prius but it's definitely gonna be in the final game which is due out in Japan next summer . And the prologue demo is sweet... but I'm not getting a PS3 yet til the full version comes out.... 6 months.. gives me time to save up lol.
I picked up Gran Turismo 4 from the bargain bins and tried the Prius... It drives nothing like a prius and I was very disappointed the 900 degree force feedback steering wheel only uses 180 degrees of it's 900 degree freedom to control the car. (After 90 degrees in each direction, the prius spins in tight circles that the car can never do in real life.) The handling is all wrong and the car doesn't accelarate like a prius and the top speed is 170 km +... It looks like a prius though...