Are there any Ottawa, ON owners groups or hybrid groups? If not, are there other Ottawa owners/operators? Any interest in getting one together? MAB
Same thing for me in Montreal, Qc. I'm getting a dismal 7.8l these days, so many snow storms and sub-10c most of the time. Spring time will be fun time. I'm just 120km from Ottawa, I'm sure my Prii would love to visit her cousins once a year. Last summer Toyota did a cross-Canada Hybrid Demonstration of their entire line. So I went with my Prius, and tried out the Camry & Highlander. Didn't like the Highlander, but the Camry fully loaded was awesome. Though it's 42k + taxes. The most fun was explaining to the Toyota "experts" what I've learned, thanks mostly to this forum. I also met a few green / vegetarian families, that were impressed. Though they wanted me to sell my car as used to them ! Used Prius in Canada is quite rare.
I'd be in for a Canadian meet sometime... it'd be one helluva drive to Ottawa, but I have family there, so it could be a good excuse to drive out.
You and Tideland could caravan, as I think he's in Vancouver. A meet would be tons of fun, I think, and I'd be more than happy to organize something for this summer, if there's interest. Not sure exactly what kinds of events could be had, but there's lots of time until then. Maybe we can get some Toyota people to come down and talk about the future of the Prius and HSD, maybe some of the PHEV conversion people might be interested too. Guest speakers are always fun. And maybe a little race or something. Who knows. I'll start a new thread to solicit interest and see what we can do from there. MAB
You guys got a loaded Camry? We got 3 base ones over here and we didn't even get to see the new Highlander Hybrid. Yeah, I ended up educating the test drivers on the Prius. They were from Ontario barely out of high school. They were really nice though and very friendly. They just need to know a bit more about the products. It's only 3 vehicles to memorise!
I just bought a 2001 with 135k on it and am interested in information, connections and resources in Ottawa. I'm especially interested in finding a mechanic that is more affordable than the dealerships. Brian