All the articles on turning off the reverse beep are old. The one with a link to an article on how to do - the link is no longer active. And the one that purportedly contains instructions has typos that make the instructions impossible to understand. I have an '08 package #3. thanks!
Disabling the Reverse Beep Power on the car, press the [ODO/TRIP] button until the ODO is shown. This will not work if TRIP1 or TRIP2 are displayed. Power off the car. Power on the car and within 6 seconds, hold the [ODO/TRIP] button for at least 10 seconds. While still holding the [ODO/TRIP] button: Use the lever to shift into Reverse. Brief pause. Press the [Park] button. Make sure that b-on shows on the speedometer display. This means that the beep is on. Press [ODO/TRIP] button and b-off should display. This means that the beep is off. Power off the car. (You know you want to) Power on the car. Shift into reverse. Enjoy the silence.
definitely does not work with Australian / New Zealand model. probably does not work with the Europe model. Upsetting, because I really don't like that beep. It's almost caused me to crash once already with it's annoying-beeping-ness.
It took a few tries, but the method above worked for me. Thanks for posting! The beeping did more harm than good for me. I'll be glad to hear of it no more!
definitely does not work with the Europe model. That reverse beep makes the warning signal from the parking assist impossible to hear rendering that option pretty useless. 5000 SEK down the drain.
Just out of curiosity has anyone discovered a recipe to disable the reverse beep on Australian/Kiwi/European Prii? A search of the forums didn't bring one up. There was a thread from 2005 in which one poster from the UK said that their reverse beeps couldn't be disabled but maybe that's changed since then.
PriusChat truly rocks With apologies and condolences to the Europeans and Aussies, I followed the directions today at lunch and am enjoying blissful, blessed backup silence... ahhhhh.... One note to add in... After I'd held down the Odometer button long enough, it beeped to let me know. Similar to the kind of beep you get when you hold in a radio button to set the channel.. it let me know it had been long enough. Thank you oh so much... BTW, when I got the car last year, I asked the dealer if there was any way to turn it off. His response was a shrug and "No, sorry..."... glad to know there are smarter people out there
Does the Oz/Nz model have height-adjustable seats? If it does, I'd rather endure the reverse beep as a trade-off.
So, does anybody know why Toyota decided to not offer height-adjustable seats in the US and not allow the disabling of the reverse beep in other countries? Are their product guys on LSD or something?
Forgive my ignorance, but besides for interfering with the parking assistant (which I do not have) why is the beep more harm than good? I respect those of you who say it is annoying, but I find it just a reminder that the car is in reverse. O.
Personally, I like the reverse beep also. It's saved me more that once from a dented fender or bumper. Been living with it for 4 years and it doesn't bother me at all.
Although I too think the reverse beep is useless and I disabled it, my guess is that it was provided because it is easier to shift into reverse with a Prius than with any other car I've ever seen. It takes virtually no effort to shift into reverse and it's remarkably similar to shifting into D. In fact, I would think shifting the lever up would intuitively be drive instead of reverse and vice versa.