As I meet Prius owners most, if not all, use the word "love" to describe their satisfaction with the car. The comment is usually delivered with enthusiasm and a big smile. I'm guilty too. Friends notice an evangelistic tone, like I'm preaching the "Prius gospel", whenever I start telling how much fun it is to drive, etc. So I'm wondering how you "feel" about your relationship with your Prius? What's your response when asked how you like it?
I can't say that I LOVE my Prius. But I am quite satisfied with my decision and would buy the car again if I had a chance at a do-over.
It's about like my relationship with my first new car -- I can't see any other cars on the road. After about two months, my answer started to become pretty standard: "Best car ever made. I can't understand why all cars are not built this way."
I'm guessing apriusfan is another engineer or technical-type. We tend to avoid any strong words, particularly absolutes or emotional words, but given his handle, I'm thinking "quite satisfied" would translate to "love it" in a more emotional person.... For me, I can say that if somebody gave me $200K to spend on a car, I'd buy another Prius and put the rest of the money in the bank.
And if they said, "buy yourself a car, give me back the change"? I love my Prius, I have a relative who is a marriage celebrant and soon in a civil ceremony we are to wed. the Prius and I. I haven't told my wife yet so not to loud OK. I'm converting to Amish so I can be a poligamist. The car will wear silver rather than white, she has been with another before me. I also love icecream, sleeping in and my dog.
loving it... especially when i make trips to the mountain and back.. i only spend 15 dollars for gas... ridiculously cheap compared to people gettn 8mpg... going up the mountain
I always tell people that I like it more the more I drive it, and having just turned over 10k miles today, it's still true. I think everyone should be driving a Toyota Hybrid car, they're just that good.
I think its okay. I wouldn't buy one again, but I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. Its a great little car don't get me wrong, it just doesn't do it for me. My fiance however, who chose it and drives is definately "loves" it.
My line used to be "Coolest car in the universe!" But now that I have the Xebra I have to say the Prius is the "Coolest gasoline-burning car in the universe." Language is odd. The word "love" has many very distinct meanings. We really are speaking of two different things when we say "I love my mother" and "I love my car." One speaks of affection for a human being; the other expresses satisfaction with the quality of a mechanical device. Then the answer might be: "Buy a Ferrari for $200,000. Then sell it, buy a Prius, and put the excess money in the bank." Except that I'm anxiously waiting for a better car than the Prius. An EV (that is, a better EV than my Xebra) or a serial plug-in hybrid, such as the Volt would be if they were to actually build it. I think you've got the wrong religion there, Pat. Amish are not polygamists and they don't drive cars. I think maybe you want to become either a Mormon or a Muslim. But Islam probably prohibits marriage with a car, so I think Mormonism is your only choice.
When I had crap cars, I hated driving. When I moved up to pretty good cars, I learned to like (or at least tolerate) driving. With my Prius, I love driving.
I love it. But that doesn't mean I love everything about it. In fact, there are still 2 things I hate about it: (1) The standard Prius handles like crap. Easily the worst handling and least fun to drive car I've ever owned. (2) Rear visibility. And it gnaws me that it didn't have to be this way --- much of these flaws is due to intentional engineering and design choices made by Toyota.
I forgot the most important modification on my wish list: Bring back the 2001 turning radius. ~ dan ~
You are right as usual Daniel, what was I thinking? I'll head down and change the religion at the registry office tomorrow. Mormon, right! No sorry Daniel, doesn't work like that, $200,000 to buy a car, hand back the change and you can never sell it. When you are done with it you give it to the church, the Mormon church to help me get a cheaper induction. Come on, play the game.
Ask me again in the spring, when it's not 18 degrees out and my current tank mileage is under 39 and dropping (yeah, I know all the reasons why, and if I'm getting mileage like that, everyone else, including the wife's Corolla, is getting worse). Right now, after 9 weeks behind the wheel, the jury's still out ...
Too Early but... I've had my Prii for almost a month now and I love her to death (maybe not as much as my moto). The car is fun to drive and easy to handle. Knowing that I am getting at least 45 mpg is just amazing. At apx. 1700 miles, some say that it is too early to tell but I think she's a keeper.
well i can say that if i knew what i knew now, would i do it again... well since i did know AND did do it again... ya no problem. when i bought my 06... i never considered or looked at any other car. now if someone gave me $200,000, i would naturally buy my Prius, but also buy a RAV 4 EV and then bank the rest.