You know, I could keep the same title on these posts for the last 3-4 months and just change the name of the month. :? The Southern California allocations for early March are a total of 160 cars for all 74 dealers. You do the math. I bet some at my region prefer these numbers not get posted, but let me tell you... this may do more good than harm. I am convinced that folks think we are all hiding their cars somewhere rather than sell them their cars off the waiting list, although why they think that is a mystery to me (cue the dramatic music). I believe that when you do not get a call from your dealer, you will already know why -- and be smart enough to not take it too personally. There is nothing we can do about it. It's like watching a tragedy. Morbid, yet fascinating. Ah, the drama! The villain and his deeds. The assembled villagers with their torches demanding justice and more. What will happen? How will it end? Who will survive ? !!!!! Dianne
Hmm, how could this be? It's time to don my Tin-Foil Hat and figure it out. Ok, the Oscars are over. All the Hollywood Stars have their Prii. The publicity machine has milked the last drop out of Tim and Susan and Sting and that 13 year old who's name I can't remember and the Red Carpet. Who is the next most influential group in the country after Hollywood Stars? Politicians! - And it's an Election Year! All the Prii are being shipped to Washington so all the politicians up for re-election can have them to prove their green credentials. But Wait! - No, they are foreign cars! (actual foreign cars built in foreign, not foreign cars built in Kentucky or something). This won't work. Ok, Toyota is going to announce a deal to re-badge the prius as a GM Hybrid for a huge cash payoff. So, this time next month I should be able to drive down to Capitol Hill and see all the Hybrids parked in the reserved spots. Wonder what they're going to call them? Well, anyway, that mystery is solved. Glad I could help.
ROFLMAO! (sorta) ... I'd have better luck finding you a million bucks than finding you a Prius right now, sad to say. Everyone play the LOTTO!
In that case I'd like to put in an order for a million bucks. Green exterior. I'm willing to wait MORE than 6 months, so put me on the waiting list, and call me when my million is in! Cedar ps, I'm not very flexible on the green exterior, so no need to call me about any blue or pink money or anything.