Happy Yule! For the date, the tree, the candles, the giving of gifts, and the story of the virgin birth, be sure to thank your local pagans... The mistletoe is a bonus we just threw in there to remind you to HAVE FUN WITH IT!!
I would think of our Jewish friends that speak Hebrew/Yiddish (what is the difference?, is is analogous to King's Englilsh versus Americanized English?) should be able to answer that question. I was taught that it was essentially 'so be it'. Or for the Trekkies 'make it so'.
....huge difference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_Language Language family: Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, West Semitic, Central Semitic Northwest Semitic, Canaanite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yiddish Language family: Indo-European, Germanic, West Germanic, High German
OK, thanks. i have always been taught that Amen is a Hebrew word, I have not actually looked it up yet, though. So, so Israeli Jews speak Hebrew or Yiddish? Do they share some common words or phrases?
The official language of Israel is Hebrew. Undoubtedly, many Jews in Israel as elsewhere also speak Yiddish. There are no linguistic similarities between the two languages, Yiddish being a Germanic language widely spoken by Jews in Eastern Europe, and Hebrew being the language of the people of the Old Testament. My grandfather spoke Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, and English, though by the time I was born his Russian must have been very rusty. My step-grandmother spoke English, but when I visited them to play chess with my grandfather, she sat in her rocking chair talking to her friends on the phone in Yiddish. She was from Hungary. I never heard Yiddish growing up, except at family gatherings at my aunt's house, as many of my uncle's family still spoke it. The only Yiddish words I know are the ones that have made it into common English usage.
A Happy Winter Solstice to all !! My yearend greeting letter, which I send to friends and family, is online, for those who want a glimpse into my personal life. This year, aside from family news, the main subject is this car I bought last summer.