Funny how all of a sudden, when I have to get months of bookkeeping done, I suddenly have time for Fred again...:huh:
My back hurts..... Crap! I can't make coffee because I'm out of ground and I cannot grind beans while people sleep. Maybe if I go in the garage?*cries*
what goes around, comes around. if i have to facilitate the latter, i guess i'll have to bear that burden it was truly deserved though...
Last week, while I was preparing a bunch of samples, I broke a flask. That's not the bad part. The bad part was that I sliced off part of my right thumbnail on said broken flask. It's bandaged up now. It's healing nicely, which is a good thing. No pain, just irritation - it's hard to do things like tie your shoes and button buttons without a thumb. One thing I have learned - sore thumbs actually do stick out. :lol:
incredibly sad quote, from my friend who's preparing for re-deployment in a few weeks: "some little kid at fort cambell came running up to me and yelled daddy.. wish i could have been so he could have his daddy home from the war."
I can not stand being micromanaged. Thank goodness it doesn't happen that often. Is today over yet? It doesn't seem possible that one week from today is Christmas Eve. Is today over yet...?
I should be on a tropical beach with a great margarita in my hand and a hot cutie to make sure I keep my tan lines straight.
So... why did I wakeup at midnight, and not be able to sleep the rest of the night? Why won't the hamster on the wheel in my head take a nap? I need to go to a huge home improvement store and write down prices for materials for the sofa-thing we are building... But, I have been awake for 9 hours already, and only got about 3 hours sleep before that. Was it the coffee? I only had two mochas, all day... It will be nice having a new sofa-thing... but, I have to go get prices on materials. Can't back out now, ordered the cushions already. I hate the big box store. Sigh.
Here I am, after a four hour nap yesterday, still awake, with a ton of stuff to do, and things to worry about. Like, what should I do: Take the almost $100,000 hit that selling my house in Florida shall bring, or sit on the house for years, to see if the market ever recovers? I mean, I only paid $315,000 for it two years ago, and yesterday was told that now it's only worth $215,000, and it's been on the market since July... Ug
Ahhh...finished the last grant application today. Now to sink into a deep slumber with visions of ??? and wait for Santa...oh. I'm Santa? I'd better get Last minute? Heck no, that's days away. No rest for the wicked, I've heard. When do I get to be wicked?
Why is a woman running around my office with huge reindeer antlers on her head? Homemade brownies are really good; better than the apple I have on my desk. It's time to go home...