Hi Everyone, Well, it took exactly a month, but we have a new Barcelona Red 2008 Prius in our garage! Crown Toyota in Lawrence, Kansas treated us better than any dealer that we've dealt with before. Outstanding personal attention seems to be their prime directive and we were very impressed. Barcelona Red with Package #3 doesn't seem to be readily available, but they tracked one down and it arrived at the dealership well within their estimate. We really miss the 2006 Silver Prius that this car replaces (totaled in what I can't call an accident), but we're also looking forward to many happy miles in our new car.
Congrats! Now don't get confused in the parking lot and start walking towards Silver Prius' out of habit.
I once walked up to a blue Prius and tried to open the door. It wouldn't open and I could not figure out what was wrong with my SKS. Then I realized it was not my car! Mine was several spaces farther on.
That happens all the time at car club get-togethers. lol I try to avoid looking dumb by using the remote control to disarm the vehicle first. If only I could avoid looking dumb in other situations so easily.
Normally I look inside. There's always enough debris lying around to identify my car. For some reason on that occasion I didn't.
Let me be among the first dozen or so to congratulate you. Still, the rest of the post really has me wondering: If it wasn't an accident, what was it that totaled the '06?
Accident? If someone "blows through" a stop sign... What would you call it? And no other car even entered the picture when we were considering what car would replace our original Prius.
Toying with words A stupid accident. But an accident nonetheless. The driver may have intended to blow through the stop sign. He/She did not intend to total the car. Reminds me of a story: An insurance agent is writing up a policy for a farmer. He asks the farmer if he had been in an accident in the past year. The farmer says no. The farmer's wife says, "What about when the bull gored you in the stomach last October?" Farmer replies, "That warn't no accident! That d**n bull did it on purpose!"
He said he got a red one silly!!! Seriously, a good colour choice, looks great. BTW my mum couldn't work out why I call my silver Prius "my green car".
Great to hear that Crown is a good place to buy. I've just contacted them this week in regards to purchasing a Prius and I've not had any experience with them or know anyone who has. What salesperson do you work with? Brett