I'm looking for a little info, for the future, on replacing the 12V battery,- in an '07. I looked under the cover and it is impossible to disconnect the Neg cable first. What is the big RED thing sitting on top of the POS Terminal ?? I'm assuming that you need to un-hook that Big RED plastic cap clip and slide it out of the way, which I am also assuming will allow access to the POS terminal. Then disconnect the NEG and what ever else is in the way ??? Always thought, disconnect the NEG First ??? Again....What and WHY....is.. the Big RED thing? Thanks for any help.....No posts covered this subject, that I could find.
the big red cover is to keep that terminal from ever grounding out. unlikely but... it's the job of that cap. pull that cap off. (look at it closely..i broke the pins on mine on accident) under that cap, it's just like the ground terminal. loosen and disconnect.
Why do you need to replace the 12v already? If you'll search the site you'll find a number of threads that have information on what you need to do to get the battery out and how to get the other stuff out of the way.
You should disconnect the negative side first. When I disconnected it on my car (so I could pull out the driver seat without risk of deploying the air bag) I disconnected the negative cable where it connects to the body about 6 inches away from the neg terminal on the battery.
er.....I'll try again.... Info...is..for the future No room to disconnect Negative cable 1st What's Big Red thing .....for.... ???
It was described how to disconnect the negative first...unscrew the cable where it's attached to the car body...leave it attached to the battery terminal until you have the battery out of the car. Hobbit's site explains all this and what the red box is.