New 08 Prius owner...NOT!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by yrfuneralmytrial, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. yrfuneralmytrial

    yrfuneralmytrial New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Hello all, firstly I want to say thanks for the valuable info I've gained here as a lurker-soon to be new owner. Here's my story. 35 days ago, I put a $500 deposit down with a local dealer for an 08 #2 (Mag Grey). I was told it would take 14 days max to get the car in. Well, time drags big deal really...bringing me to today (35 days later). I had agreed to buy an 08 #2 for $23,700 OTD. At the time, I specifically asked my salesman "does this include everything money-wise?". His response was "yes...what else could there be?" I just wanted to be clear because I know once you hit the finance guy's office, things can get a little sneaky. So anyway, we get through the initial paperwork and I'm off to the finance guy. I discover a nearly $500 difference in our numbers. It's added "dealer fees". We talk about it, bring the salesman back in etc... I explain that I feel it should be waived as everything we'd talked about was reflected in the $23,700. They give me some BS and I said 'you're not putting me out over $500 are you?" They look at the various numbers again and agree that the $500 fees were built in to the $23,700. We all sigh and decide to move on. I sign this n' that, review and initially pass on their various maintenance programs 9I explain I want time to review it before committing) and about to finally sign the contract and boom...the $500 is back on there. The finance guy tells me it's pretty standard and I say we've already dealt with it and gone past it. He leaves to get the sales manager to take it off and...I swear to God, the next thing that happens is another guy is barking at my salesman to switch the tags back (I was trading in an newer Jeep). I was very frustrated and angry but composed. I expressed how wrong I thought it was to my salesman (muttered he was likely quitting soon) that I'd paid a deposit, waited 35 days and because I balked at an additional $500 fee...I'm shown the door. I went outside with the salesman. I asked him to have the sales manager come outside. I reassured him I just wanted a civil conversation. He was soooooooo reluctant. He said "he'll just say get rid of him". I persisted. Finally, this guy comes out. We exchange names, shake hands etc... I tell him how disapointed I am that we'd came this far and how I thought it was wrong. Immediately he raises voice to saying 'you signed" and "I don't care about verbal" and "I'm not going to argue with you". With that statement, I just said I could tell he had no interest in making it work. I got in my Jeep and left. I asked for the dealership owners name and the best way to contact him. Again, the salesman was scared to death to tell me anything but I got the name. What do they do to these guys??? Anyway, I'm still on the hunt for an 08'll happen.
  2. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well you did the right thing. It's your money and if they refuse to agree to the said value of the vehicle, then you have the right to choose another dealership.

    Patience rewards those who wait!
  3. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Negotiate by phone and email. Get a final bid in writing by fax. It saves a lot of screwing around with @ssholes like that.
  4. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Agreed. Go to and follow their advice. Since you know what you want it should take a minimal amount of time at the dealer. Take another look at trading in the Jeep.
  5. FL_Prius_Driver

    FL_Prius_Driver Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Tampa Bay
    2010 Prius
    Thank you for standing your ground. The con either works or it fails. You made it fail. It takes dicipline....and it sounds like you had that.
  6. yrfuneralmytrial

    yrfuneralmytrial New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Thanks for the feedback guys. Hours later I'm still feeling burned about it. It really went from A/B-ing numbers and getting on track to "get the hell out" pretty fast. I think they really saw me as a ball-breaker but I wasn't trying to be. I just felt I was being bumrushed and taken advantage of. They know they can move it fast so the hell with me. I'll spend more time getting quotes and trying to hammer something down. Thanks again.;)
  7. Rest

    Rest Active Member

    Aug 13, 2005
    2007 Prius
    Congratulations, you experienced a stealership at full throttle.
  8. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    You did the right thing: They gave you an out-the-door price and then tried to shaft you. In the Movie Fargo, at the beginning, the couple pays the crooked dealer the extra money, and my guess would be that most people in real life do the same. But the lesson here is to get an out-the-door price in writing before proceeding with the paperwork.

    In most states a verbal contract is as binding as a written one, although it may be impossible to prove in court. I think you should at the very least write to your BBB about this dealership. I would leave out the long version of the story and just say that they gave you a verbal promise of an out-the-door price and then tacked on $500 and refused to honor their verbal agreement. Maybe you could file a criminal complaint as well, but since your only "damage" was your lost time, maybe not.
  9. Betelgeuse

    Betelgeuse Active Member

    Oct 11, 2005
    New York, NY, USA
    2005 Prius
    Something you should remember about about many car salesmen (and some salesfolk in general) is that they will always try to make you feel like you're being a ball-breaker. It's the same sort of hemming and hawing and "Gee. My manager isn't going to let me give you this price" and "Wow! He's giving you that price," etc., etc., etc.

    It's all a show put on to get you to part with your money faster. If a salesperson is straight with you, they deserve your respect, but when they start to act like they did with you, you shouldn't feel like you've done anything wrong. They're clearly trying to make you feel bad so you say, "Oh well" and hand over your money. They're very experienced at that (and you're not), so they know exactly what they need to do to make you feel bad and feel like you're the one that's wronging them.

    Trust me. I'm sure the conversation after you left was something like, "Well, the act didn't work this time. Who's next?"
  10. lefat1

    lefat1 Fat Member

    Jul 8, 2007
    Sunny S. Florida
    2008 Prius
    thats exactly why car salesman have the reputation they have. i was quoted an otd price and didnt realize til i got home that they used fuzzy math on the financing and added 2 types of insurance that added up to almost $700 more..big hassle but after i told the biz mgr i would give a negative survey he agreed to take it all off, and i then cancelled the extended warranty cause he lied about that saying any other warranty ie; from pc, would not cover certain patient and you'll see this was a good thing..:)
  11. yrfuneralmytrial

    yrfuneralmytrial New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Wow, you're salesman quotes were spot-on. Even though I knew better, part of me was feeling like I was going to get the guy fired. In fact, he said "you're going to get me fired". I replied "don't you guys basically fire yourselves?". I mean if you're not making any money, wouldn't ya just move on? The "man behind the curtain" bit got to be like the Wizard Of Oz. When he didn't want to produce his boss, I actually asked him if there was a guy. You know where it really went south??? I declined all the finance guy's service programs/extended warranties etc... He said "c'mon man, I've got to get $100 on here". I said I wanted to pass today so I could review it further. Quick math told me it was nearly an additional $400 a year. I don't know about you guys, but I do appx. 15k driving miles a year I don't need $400 worth of oil changes/tire rotations per year. I was courteous and declined...NOT like "oh no, you're not scamming me buddy". He prints the bill of sale and...well, you know the rest. I sent an email and a fax copy of a letter I wrote to the dealership owner. No response thus far. I guess the worst thing about it is that I waited 35 days patiently on this car and am now starting over. By the way, I sent out several quote requests last night. I've recieved two auto-responses. No numbers. Also, I spent a great deal of time reading the carbuyingtips site. hanks for the heads up. There's some hilarious emails from disgruntled dealers on there. :p
  12. Andydrove

    Andydrove Junior Member

    Dec 15, 2007
    Orange County,CA
    2008 Prius
    Bought a 2008

    Good job for you walking out of there!! I have purchased my Prius and one other car in the last 3 months and discoverd one glaring thing about dealerships: The experience has degraded radically from years ago (I used to even sell VW's in 90's) when you were treated as a valuable customer and on average, great effort was made to ensure you had a good buying experience because the dealerships reputation and additional client referrals was at stake.
    Somehow, they have taken the incentive away from the sales people to do a great job. Numerous times I walked onto lots for test drives or inquiries and was not even asked my name or introduced...!!
    I did a lot of work on the Prius purchase. I contacted probably 15 dealerships directly online, signed up with etc.., used the Costco car buying program (warehouse club in CA), and went to local dealers in person--very few if any were competent, listened the first time, or were ever able to provide a valid quote. It was an absolute joke.
    I am in computer hardware sales. The basics of politeness, introducing yourself, getting to know the customer, being responsive and helpful, are fundamental to my getting the sale. How or why this has vanished from the car buying process, I really can't explain.
    Get a referral from a happy Prius owner in your area. Buy the car from that dealer and sales person.
    Good luck
  13. yrfuneralmytrial

    yrfuneralmytrial New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    So far, this is the only real response I've gotten to my dealer quotes requests and various emails:

    Thank you for your inquiry on the 2008 Prius. I do have a Magnetic Gray with a package #2. Along with the standard factory equipment and the Package 2 it also has the following:
    HZ - Includes, cruise control, heated outside mirrors, 15" alloy wheels, Toneau cover, seatback pockets,
    P4 - Vehicle shield package
    L2 - Leather interior upgrade
    B4 - Security system upgrade, carpet mat set, trunk mat, mud guards, cargo net, rear bumper protector, custom tape stripe, first aid kit, wheel locks, road hazard tire warranty, roadside assistance and the service rewards program.

    The MSRP for this vehicle is is $26,405. We have added window tint and door edge guards which brings the price to $26,804. The internet sales price is $25,303. This price does include our dealership fee.
    If you would like me to check for other colors please let me know. Please do not hesitate to call or respond via Email.


    Some of this is pretty cool (leather, tint, carpets etc..)
    Some is useless to really (vehicle shield...wax right?, security upgrade, roadside assist...I have it etc...)

    Maybe this should be in dealer/pricing now...not sure.
  14. N3FOL

    N3FOL Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Stewartstown, PA.
    2008 Prius
    '08 Ride

    I'm sorry to hear that the deal did not work in your favor the first time. With enough patience, I know you'll find the car you are looking for. ;)
    But don't wait too long...dealers don't carry a lot of Prius inventory and they are selling like pancakes. :D

    Good Luck.
  15. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    "Always" is a pretty intense word. When I bought my Civic (my last car before the Prius) the salesman was upright, 100% honest, and completely courteous. After that, whenever I went in for an oil change I was treated like a VIP and offered a loaner (which I usually declined because their service department was so punctual).

    When I bought my Prius, at the only Toyota dealership in town (I lived in Fargo, ND at the time) the salesman was not well-informed about the car (in November of 2003, when I placed my order, few people knew much about the new 2004 model!) but he was polite, he quoted me MSRP, and they only added about a $50 "document fee" (but the original quote was not an OTD price). I paid cash, so there was no financing, but the documents man offered me all the worthless add-ons, and accepted my polite "no thank you" to all of them and did not press the matter.

    When I bought my Xebra, the salesman (who owns the dealership) was super-nice about everything.

    That's three car-buying experiences, and all positive. No nasty salesmen out of the three. I am aware that there are sleazy car salesmen and dealerships. But "all" and "always" are not justified and say more about the anger of the speaker than about the collective natures of car salespeople.

    I was much less happy about my experience buying my CJ-5 Jeep (1976, the car before the Civic) but when you are selling American-made crap you have to be dishonest or you'd be out of business. Wasn't there a Twilight Zone episode about a car dealer who was compelled to tell the truth? It used to be that "Made in Japan" meant garbage and "Made in America" meant good solid quality and built to last. Those two labels have changed places now. At least as far as cars go.
  16. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The vehicle shield is sorta like the clear bra

    security system upgrade is what.. $400 for a Toyota alarm lol..

    You're basically buying a base vehicle (with all the stuff they took out to make the "standard" model put back in) and then added leather and a whole bunch of other crap.

    Wow... Most of the stuff there is standard in Canada lol (carpet mats, mudguards, cargo net, wheel locks). Also you can get the mudguards, cargo net and first aid kit at wholesale if you know where to look ;)
  17. a priori

    a priori Canonus Curiosus

    Aug 14, 2007
    Chicagoland (West)
    2010 Prius
    "Selling like pancakes"? :eek: Pancakes! :p
    You're not originally from PA, are you?
  18. MattFL

    MattFL Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    2008 Prius
    dealer honesty

    Our dealer tried a fast one too. Found the car I wanted, it was at a dealer 5 hours away. We worked out a price, my dealer said he'd try to get it from the other dealer and I put down a deposit. I kept a print out of the car including the end of the VIN. A week later they call me up, "your car is in". I take off of work, find a baby sitter, scoop up the wife and arrive to find out the car is the same color, but it's not the same car! He was in a real hurry to get the paperwork signed and I said WAIT, the car is the same color and the same price, but we've got a lot of missing options here! I was pissed but civil and said hey if you can make this car match the car I wanted for the same price then I'll take it. They said OK and we were out the door. From that point all the paperwork was honest, but the finance guy went from super nice to "hurry up mode" when I declined all of their extended warranties, etc.. Also the finance guy tried to convince me the hybrid parts were only covered for 3-yr 36k miles. NOT TRUE! Read the Toyota warranty manual; the hybrid electronics are good for 8-yr/100k-miles and mg1 and mg2 are in the 5-yr/60k-mile powertrain warranty. He was completely trying to rip me off! So in the end the only thing I'm upset about is the tint. I wanted factory tint (in the glass, like my Tacoma) but ended up with a really nice film tint job. That was partially my fault, but hey we ended up with a really nice car and I'm having a great time driving it so in the end I'm happy. :)
  19. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius

    I had a rough one when I bought the RAV4, dealer added delivery cost to a used car which isn't normal, you normally have delivery on a new car but not on used. If I go back there I'll screw them down harder. They knew I was stuck for a car as we had our Mazda 626 stolen.
    Buying the Prius was all good, the salesmen of 2 yards undercutting one another was fun to watch and good for the bank balance. I ended up getting the car for $2000ish less than the window sticker price. Also had the bonnet resprayed and a new front strut. The finance guy tried it on by adding finance insurance but I got that taken off. I have enough insurance. He also tried to sell me insurance on my insurance in case I wrote the car off and the value was less than I owed on the car, no way, it was going to cost more than my comprehensive policy.

    Wife is now making noises about wanting another car so looks like I'll be doing it all again soon.
  20. Betelgeuse

    Betelgeuse Active Member

    Oct 11, 2005
    New York, NY, USA
    2005 Prius
    That's why I said "many" car salesmen. I know that there are reasonable sellers out there, but my (admittedly short) personal experience is uniformly negative. I'm not saying that every dealer was trying to totally rip me off (although a couple were), but I never felt that if I had gone into the dealership trusting them that they would have given me a reasonable deal.

    It certainly seems like there are a lot of people that come on this board and complain about their car-buying experience. I understand that people are much more likely to come and complain than they are to write a post saying, "Look at the great experience I had," but the sheer number of posts suggests that many car salespeople deserve their bad reputation.

    I wonder if it is perhaps a regional thing. I have friends who are from Indiana originally and they always talk about how people are so much more rude in the Northeast. Perhaps that carries over to the car sales industry, too.