Hi All, I have few questions. 1. How to stop the beep sound that comes while using the reverse gear? 2. I have noticed in my prius the rear defroster automatically shuts down after running for aprox 5 mins. Is it a technical problem or it should operate like that. 3. Whenever I fill gas the avg mpg reading that shows in the touch screen automatically resets. Is there any way to set it not to reset? Looking forward for the reply. Thanks in advance
1) http://priuschat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37380 2) I think mine runs longer than 5 minutes. 3) No 2 out of 3, ain't bad.....Dan.
You may be able to avoid the reset upon filling your tank if you leave the car in Ready mode as you fill. Of course, this is the near equivalent of leaving a car running at the gas pump, and it is illegal in several states.
For #3 if you have an '04/'05 Prius the MPG and tank miles will reset at fill up. On the '06+ the MPG does not reset automatically though the tank miles will. Secondary...please updated your profile so we can see what model Prius you have and such...it makes it a little more personal for one thing and it makes it much easier to help you with questions like this b/c we'll know what you have and can make our answers more specific.
Thanks for all your replies. My prius is 2008 model and pkg#2. As Efusco told above it should not reset for 06+ models but in my case it is resetting automatically. Do I need make any setting change to avoid this?
My 08 pkg#2 rear defrost definately runs longer than 5 min because it's a 20 min commute to work and it stays on almost all the way to work. I have never noticed the Avg MPg reset on my MFD. I usually rest mine when I fill up any way.. Never really noticed because I've only put gas in the car twice in the 2 months I've owned it!!!!
This is from my TCH (Camry Hybrid Manual): This system is will automatically shut off when the opeation time has been completed. The operation time is between 15 minutes and 1 hour depending on the circumstances of the outside air temperature and vehicle speed. As I said, this is for my TCH, so YPMV (Your Prius May Vary). However, in this case, I don't think so since ezbrngrn said his defroster runs for most of his 20 minute commute. I would say get it looked at since I'm positive you'll be using it a lot in OH these next few weeks!