Movin' right along, (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon) footloose and fancy free.... Muppets on the brain this morning which always makes me smile, so I thought I'd share. I'm in!
Maybe I'll be lucky this time... * FourOhFour glances over at his exam schedule. ...or maybe I should save my luck for my finals. ... NAH!
WOW... Danny, you are giving away the farm... if I don't win again this year.. I'll chalk it up as pratice for next year... :lol: Bob Andersen
[Broken External Image]: Wooooooooo, e x a c t mats!
I will probably finally win, the visor, because I just got one. I do have to say it is very nice and well made and on the one sunny day we have had since I got it works well. Mud flaps would be nice. I could get behind mud flaps. Count me in!
WAIT!! I have the mudflaps and Exactmats from Ed (real nice too, thanks Ed). But I could use the hood from Robin.