On CSPAN last night, D. Larsen, house of representative form Wash state, talked about 15 minutes on the Chevy volt. He recently went to a alternate transportation meeting amd was reporting on his experience. About the volt: car is due out in 2013 (why is GM advertizing the car now?); he talked to exectives of the Li-on battery company A123 and was told only the packaging of the battery for the volt remains to be accomplished; he said PHEV will cost 1-3 cents per mile vs. 9-12 conventional cars. The cost of operation statement is misleading--as previously stated in a very knowledgable thread, when the cost of electricity is 25-30 cents per KWh, the PHEV Prius will not save money as compared to non PHEV Prius.
While, ultimately, the rep's estimate may be closer to the real release date, I currently am going to believe GM and their 2010 (2011 MY) release. We'll see if they hit any stumbling blocks, but battery testing is underway and I think they should be able to get the car out no later than 2011 baring unforeseen difficulties.
I believe the Volt will be released to the general public in the year X+3, where X is the current year. In other words, this year, it will be released 2010. Next year, it will be released 2011. In 2011, it will be released 2014.
I'm glad to know it's release is just around the corner ... and down the street aways ... and over the river and through the woods.
I recognise that equation! It's the programmer's constant. Q: When's that code going to be finished? A: Two weeks from now... Where: "Now" pointer is set to current date whenever "Q" is asked
That 2013 was either a typo or mis-statement. Also, the 2007 avg. cost/KWh is 10.65 cents. http://www.gm-volt.com/chevy-volt-reasons-for-use-and-cost-of-operation/ Volt will use 8 KWh to go 40 mi. or 2.13 cents/mi. Bob Lutz, GM Vice Chairman, has said, a number of times, that the Volt will come out in 2010. As recently as Nov. 15th, he said November, 2010, and that he knows that is aggressive. (google “volt November 2010â€). I’m wondering if the Negative Nells out there believe that GM will not develop a PHEV and Toyota will? Hint: they will be within 1 year of each other. So far, efusco is the reasonable voice. Well, one out of five ain’t bad.
It'd be easier to believe stuff from GM if their board (Especially Lutz) didn't have such a miserable record when it comes to telling the truth. With Lutz, you can detrmine if it's truth by whether or not his lips are moving. If you don't know that, then YES, one out of five aint bad.
Seriously, I think GM WILL release the Volt in one form or another. However, the question isn't "Will GM screw it up?", but rather, "HOW will GM screw it up?"
It has released the Volt. In the form of a greenwash campaign that is cheaper than actually having to come up with a green product. Let ask another question, why can't GM just unkill the EV1 and make the new and improved EV2 hybrid plugin? Wouldn't that be easier than introducing fuel cells in a car, something that's never been done before?
[FONT="]That is a very good idea. GM did finally unkill the EV1. But there are a lot of Negative Nells out there fighting the idea. It’s called the Volt. It is an all electric drive, plug-in vehicle, with a gas or turbo diesel range extender. While the architecture could accept a fuel cell as the range extender, that is not in the current plan. Anyone passionate about growing our use of petroleum products, must fight the Volt.[/FONT]
"Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow, but never jam today." -- (From Alice's Adventures Through the Looking-Glass.) Problem is, they could build it today if they actually wanted to. I think the reason they're not building it today is because they don't want to. And if they don't want to now, will they want to in 2010? Or 2013? Or 2275?
Time will tell Daniel. I think they do want to build it and I think they will. While it may, indeed, be possible to cobble together a functional version of the car I think you'll agree that they can not risk this car being a failure..I think it would certainly and definatively doom GM. In a practical sense I think it makes sense for them to take their time. I wouldn't by this thing, from GM, if it seemed like it had been rushed to market without extensive reliability testing and safety testing. And I think the general public will want to see that too. Just think about how many people still don't trust the prius. But we'll see. At this point I fully intend to purchase a Volt sometime in 2011.
I hope you are right that they do want and intend to build it. I think they don't, but I really want to be wrong on this one. I do disagree that the failure of the Volt would doom them. They intentionally "failed" the EV-1 by refusing to sell it at all, refusing to lease it to many of the people who wanted one, and then calling them all back and crushing them. And that didn't doom them. As I've said before, I'll buy it if it's the first car to come to market that does what they're claiming it will do. I'd rather Honda or Toyota built this kind of car. GM just has not given us any reason to think they are sincere about anything other than large salaries and benefits for top executives.
Interesting to say the least. GM killed the EV1 because it had a very limited range, was problematic, and was very expensive to maintain with the technology that existed at the time. They built it because of the Cali mandate of x number of electric cars sold per year, not because they wanted to. It was the product of over-exuberant legislation. GM will build the Volt. The tech that exists today is a damn sight better than when the EV1 was released, and they are telling the truth when they say they are working on packaging the batteries. This is not a Prius, people. It is a car that relies more on it's batteries than the engine, not the other way around, therefore the packaging will be different. A lot of engineering and safety precautions have to be taken to make it safe. It's not as simple as just putting them in the trunk. I'm really pretty disappointed you aren't embracing this. You're so sure they won't do it? Have faith.
Have faith??? Have faith in the company that dismantled public transportation in the USA? Have faith in the company that convinced Americans they "need" 6,000-lb four-wheel-drive SUVs to go to the grocery store? Have faith in the company that designed those SUVs so that in a crash with a regular car the SUV's bumper would strike the other car at the level of the driver's head? Have faith in the company that has lowered fuel efficiency every year since Jimmy carter left office? Have faith in the company that claimed nobody wanted to drive the EV-1 while at the same time they were turning people away who were begging for the car? have faith in the company that refused to sell the EV-1 at the end of the lease period? Have faith in the company that squandered the pension fund and then dumped the responsibility on the government? Have faith in the company that sued CARB rather than meet the standards? Have faith in the company that claims it cannot meet FE standards that all the Japanese car makers meet? Have faith in the company that spends billions on advertising to convince Americans to buy vehicles that burn three times as much gas as their actual transportation needs require????? Have faith??????????????? Yeah, right! I've said it before: I hope they build the Volt. I want one!!! If they do build it, and if it does what they claim it will, and if it's the first to market that does what they claim it will, then I will buy one. I just don't believe anything that pack of greedy lying criminals says.