I traded in my '05 salsa red prius for an '08 magnetic gray prius. I picked it up last night, can't wait to actually see it in the daylight. Here in the suburbs of DC it seems every other car is a prius, which I think is a good thing of course. I'm looking forward to seeing what has been updated or changed from the '05 model. I've already noticed a rear center headrest, the led dashboard display is reversed, no tape player, a totally updated nav system, and a larger gas tank. I have to program my phone into the bluetooth system, and I'm hoping it works more nicely with my verizon phone than the '05 model did. And I understand I can program the doors to all unlock at once - that was such an annoyance on the '05. Anything else I should know?
Me too... I went from an '05 to an '08 also. The '05 did have a center rear headrest, and I don't believe that the gas tank size has changed, however you will notice the following: 1) No override on the Navigation/telephone controls. There is no 'easter egg' sequence of screen touches to override the navigation/telephone lockout when you start moving. A REAL pain. 2) You can enter phone numbers into the phone book directly on the screen, no need to transfer them from your phone. 3) The plastics on the dash and doors have changed texture. 4) CD changer plays MP3s and WMA files. However you cannot see all the folder/file information when moving - another irritation. 5) AUX IN jack in the little center armrest cubby. 6) The navigation system displays a disclaimer that disappears after about 3 seconds - in the '05, with the older navigation DVD, you had to press a button to accept the disclaimer.
You're right, it did have the center headrest. I always kept it in the down position so I stopped noticing it. I liked the override feature on the nav. Maybe its so secretly hidden that no one has found it yet? I can't transfer phone numbers from my phone - some weird prius/verizon disconnect. I can't find the AUX IN jack. I see the picture of it in the manual. I must just be crazy. I really like not having to press "I agree" every time I start the car. The rear camera is kind of disconcerting - that will take some getting used to. I do think it is a great feature though, for me the only negative on the Prius is the view out the back. I think the new texture of the dash will be good - the other one got so dusty so quickly. This one may hide dust better. What I can't seem to get used to is the LED display. On the '05 the gas gauge and gear indicator were on the left and right, respectively, of the speed. Now they are switched. I couldn't remember if I put the car in park when I stopped earlier today and I couldn't find the gear indicator. My brain just has to get used to the reverse. I can't understand why toyota would make that change - it seems so random. I could have sworn the '05 had a 9 gallon gas tank. I could be mistaken. Thanks for the info.
Did you get a good trade in value. Why wouldn't you sell it privately to get a better price? If you made out great, let us know. How much did you get?
"Did you get a good trade in value?" It was a lease. We still had 3 months left on the lease and I was way over on my mileage, so we wanted to end that lease early. "Why wouldn't you sell it privately to get a better price?" We would have had to buy it first, then sell it. To be honest, we were too lazy to do that. "If you made out great, let us know. How much did you get?" So you know how car dealerships are, everything is kind of jumbled together into one transaction. But basically they gave us $12,500 for the car, and paid off our last three payments and mileage penalty. The guy who is buying the car from the dealership called me yesterday (he found something with my name and phone number in the car - oops). He is buying it for $19,500. When I told my husband he decided next time not to be so lazy.
That's a pretty good spread on the stealership. I don't know how many miles & what option package your old car had but the buyer seems to have paid something very close to brand new territory. Congrats and show us the pics. Red is a nice color.
Also, I understand that the ECU for the traction control was changed in 2006 to allow for some slippage so that drive power is never (or rarely?) cut off completely. (Some 2004 and 2005 owners have reported incidents of going up a slippery incline and then having the traction control kick in and cut off drive power completely, so that the car started to roll backwards downhill.) Also, I think the tailight lens went all clear in 2006.