As I understand it from previous threads, the options are CanView or ScanGauge II (with software updates). I think the earlier threads became very "technical" very quickly, and I would like to encourage "softer" comments and advice for those of us [non-gearheads?] thinking of adding one of these devices. Can anyone offer a side-by-side comparison? If not, please offer your own reasons for choosing one over the other. Also, if you were to choose again (given the updates available for either or both), which would it be?
Scan Guage Limited information Limited functionally Easy to install Cheap Can-View More info than you need Can be used for plug in conversion Harder to install Must buy extra LCD screen for 2006+ More expensive than the SG but can get really expensive if you have to buy and install the extra LCD screen. I like my Can-View. I don't think I could live with the limited functionally of the SG but thats just me. It really depends on what you want to use the information for. if you need all info available you would want the Can-View if you want something cheap and give you basic info get the SG.
Another benefit of the ScanGauge is that you can use it in any OBDII compliant car, not just the Prius.
Thanks for the quick summary. Why is an extra LCD screen required for newer models (for the Can-View)?
CanView or ScanGauge I have neither, but I believe it has to do with the change of the MFD. From 2006 on it's a higher resolution.
I've used both. Started with a ScanGauge. I switched to CAN-View for two main reasons: 1) the ability to log data via a PC using an optional CV serial port, and 2) the desire to know more about the operating parameters of the hybrid system. (As an aside, I've had trouble getting data logging to work.) I love CV and have no regrets buying it. But for the average driver, SG is more than sufficient and a better value, IMHO. All of this is a moot point if you don't have or plan a plug-in conversion. CV is no longer being made for the non-plug-in Prius. The 04/05 models have an analog MFD, whereas 06+ comes with a digital MFD. See this for more.
Its too bad that those hardware hackers haven't made any news-worthy progress on the digital screen... The last I heard, someone had gotten windows to boot up on the mfd, but it was chopped off or something...
my canview came with my car, when my wires becomes lose and my screen goes blank, i feel naked without it. I only use the prius MFD for checking 5 minute interval fuel economy, other than that I love the details of the hybrid system such as: MG inverters/motors temps coolant/engine temp (really shows how cool the coolant can get when mixed in a cold engine :S) temp/amps/wattage of battery horsepower to the wheels (i'm debating if its break horsepower from the engine or to the wheels... need dyno) throttle/brake position % it can scan diagnoistic trouble codes and can store hybrid specality ones as well trip data simliar to scangauge true State of charge/ voltage < -- good for determining the life of the battery
I'm sorry if I'm just re-stating what has been posted, but is it true that CanView cannot be used on a 2006 or newer Prius unless a second LCD screen is provided simply because the MFD on these newer cars is a digital monitor (vs. an analog one)?
OK, then. That issue is solved. Where do you place the ScanGauge II? Can it fit into the storage place (that has the non-opaque plastic cover)? Should it be mounted somewhere else?
I "mounted" mine by just squeezing it into the box below the stereo. It fights snugly enough to just push it in and I can close the box and hide it when I'm not in the car.
I've seen one mounted on the steering column that looks good, is easy to see...I think he just used a wooden block shaped a little to fit the curve of the column on one side...then velcroed on to the column and then the scan gauge velcroed to the top of that. Another guy at Cleanmpg sells a mount for the rear-view mirror...