Bad experience at Feld Toyota in St. Louis

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by gwirtel, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. gwirtel

    gwirtel New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    St. Louis, Mo
    Put $1,000 deposit in March on Prius after being told that it was refundable, then ran into financial troubles and wanted to cancel the order this weekend. No dice. They refuse to refund my money, I signed a contract, etc. I explained that my salesman had told me it was refundable, but too bad. And I stupidly did not get it in writing. Live and learn.
  2. peart75

    peart75 New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    san diego
    i would be on the phone with a lawyer.

  3. gwirtel

    gwirtel New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    St. Louis, Mo
    If I cannot get someone to take my place in line, I will buy and immediately sell the Prius, so it really will not cost me anything.
  4. paprius4030

    paprius4030 My first Prius

    Aug 12, 2004
    2012 Prius
    Any reputable dealer would refund your money. I found a Prius out of state and my local dealer gave me my deposit back, no questions asked. They know that the service dept. will more than make up for it on my service busioness
  5. gwirtel

    gwirtel New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    St. Louis, Mo
    My thoughts exactly. I told them if they would not refund my money and forced me to purchase, that I would never do business there again. I have used this place for years as my Toyota repair place of choice, spent thousands in repairs through the years, but they don't care. When I said I would never buy again from them, the manager said "Now why would you say that ?". They do not care. Don't do business with Feld Toyota is all I can say.
  6. gwirtel

    gwirtel New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    St. Louis, Mo
    Update on the refused deposit.
    After Toyota Customer Care talked with them, they agreed to refund my $1,000, and I now have my refund. During this episode I contacted the Missouri Attorney General Consumer Fraud Devision, The Missouri Department of Revenue Dealer Investigation Devision, the BBB, and a local TV station.
    Since I have my deposit back, this is the contents of the letter I will Send to the owner of Feld Toyota:(names and numbers of ex-employees and other non-employees of Feld are "Xed" out)

    Mr. Wiese,
    I am writing this letter to you in the hope that you will correct a
    serious problem I have had at Feld Toyota. Although this letter might
    seem a little long winded, I need to give you all of the details as I
    know them, so that you can see for yourself what problems currently
    exist at your dealership. A copy of this letter will also go to all
    those involved at your dealership, along with a copy to Toyota Customer

    On 03-31-04 I went to Feld Toyota to order a Toyota Prius. There was a
    waiting list to get a Prius with about a 6 month waiting period, so I
    asked the salesman, xxxxx, how I could get on the list and what
    was required. He told me that the wait would be about 6 months or so,
    and a deposit of $1,000 was required to hold my spot. I then asked if
    the deposit was refundable, and he said it was, that Feld couldn't hold
    my deposit if I wanted out, and besides, they didn’t want to lose me as a
    customer by forcing me to purchase a car I didn't want.
    When he brought out the order form, it was called a "Retail Buyers
    Order" and I noticed on the front it said, "THIS PURCHASE ORDER
    asked him about being able to refund my deposit, even though this form
    seemed to be saying it was a final contract. He said that this was
    simply a form to get me on the list to purchase a Prius, to not worry
    about it, that it was just like a preferences sheet, telling Feld what
    options I wanted. All I was doing was getting on a list of
    people that wanted a Prius, and my deposit was simply to make sure I was

    While I had been looking at the Prius, I also was debating buying
    another Toyota, either a Corolla, a Camry or a Scion Xb, so I asked if I
    changed my mind and wanted instead to purchase one of those other cars,
    could the deposit be put towards them instead. He said yes, and added a
    small note saying " Can use $1000 deposit for other Toyota purchase @
    Feld Toyota". I then signed the order sheet, paid my deposit and left.

    Fast forward to the end of August. I called Feld and asked to talk to
    xxxxx about the status of my car. The receptionist said he no
    longer worked there, that he had decided to start his own business
    , so she transferred me to xxxxxxx, a
    different salesman. Over the next few weeks I called a few times to see
    where my place was in line, just to keep abreast of things. On Friday
    9-24-04, I decided I did not want to purchase the car for personal reasons.
    I went down to Feld and told xxxxxx that I needed to cancel my order
    and wanted my deposit back. He said he had to ask Dale Wilke (the business manager), so he left
    for a minute to talk to Mr. Wilke . He came back and said that Mr. Wilke
    told him "no" and there was nothing he could do about it. I asked
    to speak to Mr. Wilke, who came over and told me that I had signed
    a contract, it was not refundable, and there was nothing more to be
    said. I told him that my salesman, xxxxxxx, had told me on three
    separate occasions that it was refundable, so why was he saying
    otherwise? He said that my conversations with xxxxx were hearsay, I
    signed a contract, I should follow through with it, so what was the big
    deal. I said that if a salesman says something, as an agent of Feld,
    that was as good as the manager saying it, and any attempt to do other
    than what we had discussed was fraud. Mr. Wilke told me that none of that was
    true, that xxxx no longer worked there, so I could not use my
    conversations with him for anything. I told him that this was silly,
    that I was not forcing them to keep anything they could not easily sell,
    that a long list of people were behind me waiting, and any one of them
    would buy what I could not. I said that if I was forced to purchase this
    car, that I would never do business with them again, that I had spent
    thousands of dollars over the years with them, and that insisting that I
    remain a customer was short sighted and senseless.
    He then said to me "Now why would you say that?" I said that since I
    obviously could not trust them, since whatever a salesman said may or
    may not be truthful, how could he expect me to business with them again?
    He then threw up his hands, said "I'm done," and walked away. The
    conversation ended and I left.

    I called my salesman, xxxxxx, at home (xxx-xxx-xxxx) and asked
    him if he would verify to John Auen (the manager) at Feld our
    discussions about deposit refunds, and he said, "yes, no problem.â€
    I contacted the manager John Auen, on 9-25-04, explained my situation,
    went through the same argument with him, told him xxxxx would
    verify our conversations, and again asked for my deposit. He told me
    that I signed a contract, what use was a contract if people could just
    walk away, etc. I said I was not trying to hurt them in
    any way, and they could sell the Prius to any number of people behind me
    on the waiting list, no car had actually been ordered at Feld,
    Feld would not be out any money, so surely I should be able to get my
    refund back as a gesture on the part of Feld to keep an existing
    customer happy. Mr. Auen said he would talk to Mr. Wilke and I should call
    him in an hour. After an hour, I called back and Mr. Auen said that Mr.
    Wilke said no, and that was the end of it as far as he was concerned.

    On 9-27-04, I called Toyota Customer Care and talked to a man named
    Victor. I explained my predicament at Feld, he expressed astonishment,
    apologized, and asked how he could help. He told me he was very familiar
    with Mr. Wilke, and Toyota had a Customer Relations liaison at Feld
    named Judy Carson, and he would contact her for me. He explained that
    this process might take a few days, but Judy would call me back as soon
    as she could to talk to me. I thanked him and hung up.

    Since I was going to be waiting for a few days and had no assurance
    that my $1,000 would be refunded, I called the Better Business Bureau,
    the Missouri Attorney General (Jay Nixon), the Missouri Department of
    Revenue and KTVI Channel 2 consumer complaint department
    ([email protected]). The BBB took my complaint over the phone and told
    me Feld had 13 previous complaints over the past 36 months The BBB said
    this process could take 30 days or so, but it would be looked into. The
    Missouri Attorney General's office forwarded me to the Consumer Fraud
    Division, listened to my complaint, agreed Feld was acting fraudulently,
    sent me a form to fill out and mail back, along with copies of my
    dealings with Feld, and told to wait about 30 days for a response. They
    then gave me the phone number of the Dealer Investigation Unit at the
    Department of Revenue, and told me to call them, since investigating
    fraud by car dealers was what they did. The DOR Dealer Investigation
    Unit took my story over the phone, agreed that Feld was probably
    fraudulently holding my deposit, faxed me a form, and asked me to fill
    it out and mail it back. This process also would take about 30 days to
    complete. Margie Ellisor from KTVI Channel 2 called me and asked me to keep
    her informed if Feld refused to refund my deposit in a timely manner.

    On 10-04-04 I received a call from Judy Carson who assured me that my
    deposit was going to be refunded, and the check would arrive on

    On 10-08-04 the deposit refund check arrived.

    I have not dropped my complaints to the Missouri Attorney General's
    office, the Dealer Investigation Unit at the Department of Revenue, or
    the BBB, and do not intend to until they investigate this matter to
    determine whether fraud was committed, but I will say this; never in my
    life have I been treated so poorly buy a business, and I will never
    again have anything to do with Feld. Maybe you do not care, I don't
    know. If you go to the service department and look up my records, you
    will find that I have spent thousands of dollars at your facility over
    the years. That spending will stop. I have purchased a small fortune in
    parts at your parts department. That will stop. I am 42 years old and
    buy a car about every three to five years, all of them Toyota. Never
    again will I consider purchasing from Feld. This whole episode was
    stupid, and has cost you my business along with everyone in my family. I
    hope it was worth it.

    To those of you who will feel compelled to comment about my signing a contract then trying to get out of it, since it had no final purchase price and was simply presented as an order form, not a purchase contract, it was not a valid contract, so says my lawyer, along with the Better Business Bureau, the Missouri Attorney General (Jay Nixon), and the Missouri Department of Revenue . I am not posting this so I can read endless "I would have done this" or "why did or didn't you" comments. I am simply warning other shoppers of Feld Toyota that Feld does not run an honorable dealership.
  7. DaveG

    DaveG Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    2004 Prius
    Fair enough - I expect a dealer to be honest when dealing with a deposit as well.

    Dealerships need to understand, and understand well that in the "internet age", a simple google search will often be the "make or break" point in a customer's buying decision and a single bad experience that's posted on the net could cost them tens of thousands in lost sales.

    When I ordered my Prius, my buying decision was solely based on the testimonial from another satisfied customer on the prius yahoo group. If he had given a bad report, I would've looked elsewhere and the dealership would've lost a sale...

    Happily my buying experience turned out well and on the whole, I've been extremely satisfied with the customer service at my dealership.

  8. lindaby

    lindaby New Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    St. Louis, MO
    gwirtel, thanks for telling your story. I will soon be looking for a dealer for service and I'm glad I heard this about Feld so I know to avoid them!!!
  9. onerpm

    onerpm New Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gwirtel\";p=\"45723)</div>
    good for you, qwirtel. from the "live and learn" comment in your initial post, I thought you were going to punt the $1k. it warmed my heart to read that you raised a little hell :guns: and also that you didn't let it go once you got your money back. that dealer needs to be taught a lesson; otherwise, they'll just give the grand back to those few who fight 'em hard about it.

    please update us on further developments!

  10. jimofdg

    jimofdg New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    DG, IL, US
    13 complaints over the past 36 months.

    I guess that helps answer the reply "Why would you say that?" when you said you would take your business elsewhere. (Not much of a reply, IMO. Just post-mortem market research disguised as an analyst doing exit interviews.)

    Sounds like you kept a cool head (and a good address book) and I congratulate you.
  11. pjo1966

    pjo1966 New Member

    Jun 28, 2004
    I've found that a quick call to Toyota Customer Care goes a long way to solving issues with dealers. I wish other manufacturers (Infiniti) offered their customers the same level of support. They instead just tell you that they have to take the dealers word as truth in whatever dispute you may have.
  12. gwirtel

    gwirtel New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    St. Louis, Mo
    After Feld refunded my deposit, and after I sent my letters out, I got a call from Toyota Corporate. They apologized and asked what I wanted Feld to do to make everything better. I said that I thought an apology was in order, and that was all I really wanted, just the manager at Feld to call me and admit they were wrong. They Toyota guy said he would see what he could do. About 3 days later I got a call from John Auen , the manager. He said he was sorry about my treatment, that he had listened to the wrong people instead of listening to me, and wanted to let me know that this would never happen again. I asked him why he chose to call me when he did. Was it because of the letters I had written or the call from Toyota? He said that it was not, that he had just been thinking about the whole situation, and realized I had been mis-treated, and wanted to make it right. I thanked him for his apology and hung up. I do not believe that he just happened to call me a few days after the Toyota Corporate call, but whatever the case, he did apologize. It does not change my mind about dealing with them, but at least they admitted to me that I had been wronged. That was all I asked for.
    And so, children, they lived happily ever after.
    The end. :)
  13. onerpm

    onerpm New Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Other Hybrid
    I don't think he called you out of the goodness of his heart! Great story, worthy of all of my points. So here they are.

  14. gwirtel

    gwirtel New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    St. Louis, Mo
    Thank you onerpm.
  15. 1prius001

    1prius001 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
    Absolutely Incredible....As a dealer I can't believe people actually buy from a place like this. Consequently, if anyone needs a prius I do hold some aside strictly for Prius Chat customers. New 2005's, charge is MSRP, simply let me know how I can help. Talk to all of you soon...

    Best Regards,

    Kent Cochran
    Internet Sales Manager
    Ehrlich Toyota
    [email protected]
  16. bjich

    bjich New Member

    Dec 29, 2004
    St. Louis
    2005 Prius
    thank you for the terrific tale of Feld Toyota....
    I have known for years of their sad business ethics and ave always advised friend to stay away from them...
    We have a prius on order from Lou Fusz and we will wait rather to shop around. The balogna that the other dealers put out is just too much to take. I live 6 blocks from Feld and drive to Fusz because of the gen., megr. Gerry Hogan...He has been our friend since 93..and I trust him and Fusz.
    I could tell you some really good stories about Feld and some other dealers but will not at this time...They are not worth the words...
    Any other stories from the St. Louis area???