Well, this is why I keep a little digital camera in my car -- you never know when you'll happen on a photo op like this one (which I did yesterday). Looks like maybe the Prius Borg has been doing more assimilating than I realized. Hey, resistance is futile -- unless the law happens to be chasing you with one of these! And on closer inspection, the mission is revealed -- how appropriate (in conservative NW Florida, no less): For those of you who noted the door marking discrepancy, there were several out there; one Gen-I car and the rest Gen-II.
Hate to think what the light does to fuel consumption. A lot of police tasks could be done with a Prius, it isn't all high speed chases.
Houston, Texas going green? I had a similar looking white one pass by me in Houston Monday. It had the Houston city seal on the front doors and said Fire Marshal under that. I didn't get a picture though.
Apparently both our fire marshal and mayor drive prius here, but guess what, no HOV access for them, or any special accommodations for clean burn and FE vehicles???? Well I can drive my MC down the HOV solo, but my Prius gets better millage!
I wouldn't be surprised if there's taxi-prius around SanFran. I was there last week and I counted 35 prius in a week; 21 in one hour on the freeway! What I want to know is, can I rent one?
Here in Stockholm, there are plenty of Prius being used as Taxis. It's a really popular car here, you get free residential parking, exempted from the congestion tax, a big cut on the road tax and so on. I have yet to see a Prius police vehicle here, the police seems to prefer Volvo and SAAB.
Police Prius I have yet to see a State Police interceptor on a Prius. Maybe, if Toyota wants to go that route...their engineers should start designing one. State vehicles so far are mostly Ford (Crown Vic), Chevy, and or Dodge. Toyota...I'm not sure, but it is possble. I know that HD police moto had been replaced with BMW scoots.