As much fun as it is to give you grief about wanting heated seats in AZ (even in Sedona), I have to confess that I hoped to get them in my Prius. I have loved the combo of leather with heat in my past cars, because it would take the edge off of the otherwise cool leather on those very cold days. Like you, I couldn't forego the Prius over just that issue. If I need to get new seats before I trade in this Prius, I WILL get the heat installed (and the lumbar support!).
Hi Tummy..., You wont have any problem in a Prius down to 17 degree. In 15 minutes the cabin will be just fine. You might want a seat warmer if your out of the car for any time, and want to warm back up quickly, or take allot short trips, with hours inbetween. I drove my Prius home from dealer in western Wisconsin, 384 miles (about 6 hours) in 15 degree windy February weather. Besides normal casual dress clothes, I had on long sleeved sweat shirt. Set the automatic heater control to 70 F, and was just fine. Ran the fresh air on about 10 minutes each half hour to keep the windows defogged. No problem.
Over-built city on a desert . . . asphalt everywhere . . . retained heat . . . sun warms early . . . not natural . . . What I wouldn't give for that tonight instead of an ice storm!
and there is an effect (at least the case study I read up on in Alaska. I forget which town). But that still doesn't stop it dropping to near freezing.
Sedona isn't a big city, it is at 5000 ft elevation and fairly rural/suburban in demographic. Gets very cold there, seated heats would be a definite plus.
I guess if I really want them I will have to look at the Camry Hybrid. This will be a problem for me I like the Prius. I know one thing I am buying a car in Jan.
If I were in your position I would just find out how much it costs to have seat heaters installed in a Prius. All they really have to do is install the heating element under the fabric and wire it up. I wouldn't expect to pay more than a few hundred dollars for that, which would be much cheaper and give you exactly the vehicle you want (assuming the test drive/rental goes well). Ask any local upholstery shop about it.