I just bought my 2008 Prius, and while the dealer was trying to sell me an extended warranty (75k mile warranty) he told me the traction battery was covered by the factory warranty for 8-yr/100k miles but the rest of the hybrid system was only covered for 3-yr/36k miles. Today I'm thumbing through the warranty booklet that came with the car and it looks pretty clear to me that the "Hybrid System" is covered for 8-yr/100k miles. Am I understanding this correctly, and if so has anyone else had the dealer lie to them about this?
Yep.. the "hybrid" system is covered.. the battery is merely a part of that. Besides... don't buy the warranty from a dealer if you want the extended.... we can get it for under 1K for the premium here on Prius chat. Its from Toyota.. no difference from the one they try to sell you other than that theirs is much more bucks they need to feed their starving children and the others struggling through college and not to mention their pregnant wife which is having medical expenses not covered under their medical coverage.
Its in the local brochure for one place... Try this and look towards the bottom under "warranties" Hope that helps.. you can download your own brochure by putting in your zipcode.....
Warranty info Here are some scans of my warranty booklet pages. Clearly most of the hybrid system falls under the 8-yr/100k-mile warranty; except for the mg1 and mg2 which seem to clearly fall under powertrain 5-yr/60k-mile warranty. I'm sure some states get a warranty boost by their local laws.
It really comes down to where the car was delivered. The basic Federal warranty provisions that are described in the scan that MattFL posted are best considered to be the minimum level of coverage. As windstrings posted, there are other warranties that are based on the state-specific coverages. For example in California (and all states adopting the California AT-PZEV emission standard), all AT-PZEV components are subject to the 15 year/150,000 mile warranty coverage. So, for example, the coverage (under the Federal warranty) of the hybrid battery for 96 months/100,000 miles in California gets extended to 15 years/150,000 miles.
Interesting. I think 2008 may be the first year where they expressly covered the alignment problem in the warranty brochure itself (and not just in the Toyota Service Bulletin about the issue). I don't remember seeing that in my 2007 warranty brochure. [EDIT: Just checked my 2007 warranty booklet ... the 12 months/20,000 miles alignment warranty is there as well.]