A team of UD faculty has created a system that enables vehicles to not only run on electricity alone, but also to generate revenue by storing and providing electricity for utilities. The technology--known as V2G, for vehicle-to-grid--lets electricity flow from the car’s battery to power lines and back. “When I get home, I’ll charge up and then switch into V2G mode,†said Willett Kempton, UD associate professor of marine policy and a V2G pioneer who began developing the technology more than a decade ago and who is now testing the new prototype vehicle http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/12/071203133532.htm
just when we thought plug-ins were coming in, they've taken the next step and actually implemented V2G.
I just wish this fit my lifestyle. Once they hit 800 miles per charge I'd be at a point where most of my long trips would be over and I could let it recharge. Speedy enough for me already, though, but the battery life sucks...