We're all warm fuzzies and gumdrops now: http://priuschat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40388 The appropriate level of butt kissing must have been applied. Now *I'm* the one who'se dissapointed... But I won't leave...that'd be dumb.
Don't Know With all that has passed, I honestly cannot tell if Nate was being sincere or sarcastic in his "Resolution" thread/post.
I'll tell you there was no butt-kissing by either Nate or any mods. We all aired our respective points of view, our frustrations, and found the points of agreement (many) that were lost in the initial air of distrust and misunderstanding. Nate was never banned so he could have come back at any time of his own accord. But there's some background info and prior history and just some minor things that could have been handled better by both of us that we needed to clear up. I'm sure Nate would be happy to tell you that I didn't change my attitude about the choices he made one bit, but he now better understands where those feelings arose from. Likewise I understand better why he reacted in the extreme manner that he did better. This wasn't nice person-kissing. This was grown-ups talking and being reasonable.
Being a forum moderator myself on another site I absolutely believe it happened as you say Evan. However, thats how his "resolution" post made you guys look. It looked like he laid down to you what his problems were, and you addressed them in order to keep him here including changing the way you deal with the removal of post content making it a diplomatic process in which the members will have a say in what stays or goes. Then he's going to "take a break" and "come back fresh". Give me a break. Thats exactly how he wanted it to look too. This guy has got a major case of the "I'm so wonderfuls". You'd think he was an account executive or something. I find it absolutely hilarious.
Well, our power was off since Sunday, so this thread is all new to me. Wow, I agree with T.J., this is so much better than TV! Thanks for being so entertaining... makes our little adventure here in Washington State seem so tame...
I think he played it like anyone interested in being involved in politics would; He gave a nod to the hard work of the mods but still took more credit than blame! It did come across as a little saccharine, but that's quality politicking too. Even if Nate feels differently, I'm sure he can take this mild criticism, because he certainly can dish out the hard stuff. And yeah, it's quality entertainment! Thanks to everyone involved!!
I am definitely the one who is to blame. If there was an edit I didn't like, I should have pursued it with mods more diligently, as should any of you. The mods have NOT conceded a change in process, merely reaffirmed that the door to appeal an edit remained open, and I should have realized that. Also, the moderators have a tough job, which can be time consuming. These people have actual important jobs in the real world, outside of watching the "Internet babble" and sometimes it's easier to edit out a whole block than spend time discussing it ad nauseum. Those of us that feel an edit was heavy-handed may of course take it up with the moderators. This is no different than before. Believe me, nobody kissed butt, there is no policy change, no special treatment for me. Nate
Now can we get back to discussing electric cars, different light bulb, and the many other things that Nate is worth listening to.
Oops. I spent a bit of time with a detailed answer to one of Nate's earlier posts, but now I see I missed a whole page of posts. And it's like missing an episode of 'Desperate Housewives', I don't know who's in bed with who anymore. I had some good thoughts too, IMHO, but it really isn't relevant anymore. So you can stop reading this post any time now....really, I have nothing more to say. And I need to go to bed, it's getting late.
WHeeeeewwwww!! I'm glad that all seems to be resolved, and it looks like nobody's leaving!! I like that. and I like pie. I think I'll go have some pie.... mmmmmm, pie.
Ranger David was spotted leaving the diner upset that there was no more PIE left..... Quick get that guy some PIE.!
If you cross the line.... moderator will jump. Is he finally gone or awaiting in the shadows like a victim?
You are really late to the party. You've got some catching up to do. All has been resolved to the satisfaction of the parties involved, and nate isn't leaving.