Please forgive me my green with envy. Let me know how it goes. I'm very jealous. And don't forget: WE WANT PICTURES! MAB
Well it took a while, and I definitely knew a helluva lot more than the person who "introduced us" to the car, but we're at last proud owners of our 2008 Prius. Proud papa: Corrie, getting used to her new digs:
Wow, looking really slick! Hope you've had a change to put a few KMs on it since picking it up. So. It remains to be asked: Do you like it? MAB
I absolutely love it! It handles better than our (traded) Civic, has much better shocks, is more comfortable, unbelievably quiet (shh!)...I could go on and on. We had a rush hour snowstorm here this morning, and my wife said it handled everything with relative ease, even with the stock tires. That being said, we're still putting Nokian WR's on it this weekend.
sweet... You'll like the WRs. I'm currently running on 38/36. I might bump it up to 40/48 (max cold PSI is 47 for the WRs). Oh and post your findings in my WR thread!
Thanks for the advice, Tideland; I was curious as to what a reasonable pressure is for them on a Prius.
whoops! Yes I do. How'd that slip by me? 40/38! I don't know but when I was doing research, a couple of people over at the Subaru forums said 38-40 PSI was the sweet spot for their cars. Now assuming they weigh similar to the Prius (the Impreza models), it seems reasonable. Just don't expect the tyre store to do it for you at 40/38. Asking for 35/33 (Stock PSI for 185/65R15 tyres) gives them a shock and a reprimanding for running the pressures too high. I should be running them at 30 . When I running on the Integritys, I was running on 38/36 (max cold pressure inflation is 44 PSI for the Integrity). There's a noticeable ride quality difference between 38/36 and 35/33. I always knew that if my car became more comfortable, it was time to pump it back up lol. With the WRs, I can't tell the difference btwn 35/33 and 38/36. Given that the pressure is up to 47 PSI, I think 40/38 wouldn't be too unreasonable. Even at 47/45, there's a good margin of error built into the 47 PSI rating. Anyway, this is for the 15" wheel/tyre combo. I'm not sure how different it is for the 16 inchers.
Psh...I'll have to get them (Kal Tire) to manage a tire installation without smearing dirt, grime and grease on our fabric interior first (even on the console...the console!!). We complained enough that they'll be sending the car to one of their detailers to take care of it tomorrow, but I'm pretty pissed that we even have to after just 3 days of ownership. But I digress; indeed, upon asking for a higher inflation pressure we were turned down for the same reasons you've mentioned. I guess I'll have to do it myself which, apparently, is the cleaner way to go.
I got them at the Tire Factory in Lynden. You don't wanna know what Kal Tire here charges us. It's always the "it's more costly to ship stuff out west" crap. lol.. you think that's bad, you should've seen my rant when I took my car in to the dealer for an ECU update... boy did so many things go wrong (including getting my ECU fried).
Update: I'm running on 40/38 now. It definitely feels more familiar and glides farther (38/36 on my Integritys). Anyway, I'm not sure what the max cold pressure is for the 16" wheels but if it's 47PSI like ours, than try 40/38 first and then adjust up/down as necessary.