Other than the golfing part, looks like I fit the stereotype... Let's see... 30% are Democrat, 14% Republican - that means 56% are third party, Independent, or not registered. Yeah, I still fit the stereotype, then.
Here's a link to the actual press release. Take a critical look at the demographics it uses and then you will see why the results are "predictable". I just don't buy it. http://www.scarborough.com/press_releases/Hybrid FINAL 12.4.07.pdf
How sweet, a nice troll joined the board (bored?) today to let us know how stupid we all are That being said.. Wealthier? I wish, while teaching salaries are really high per hour worked, the fact I don't work many hours means I don't get paid that much. Better educated... ok I am in the elite of education as I did finish graduate school I guess. Tend to vote democrat... meh usually because it's the better of two evils Organic food as it's defined now by the US is often a joke. Other than mini-golf I have never golfed, but I wouldn't mind.. however seeing the expensive cars coming out of the golf course really tends to shy me away with my "clunker" Vote in presidential elections.. yah a whole lot of good that has done the years the prius has been out in the US
It also seems that he's not very creative as it looks like he posted the same thing 23 different times in various places.
The face behind the wheel of a hybrid car is most likely to belong to an upwardly mobile, physically active person with tech savvy, according to a report by Scarborough Research (PDF). Forty-two percent of those polled earn six figures or more each year. The group is more than 20 percent likely than average to be at least 50 years old. Nearly a third hold a postgraduate degree, with the rate of college graduation more than doubling the U.S. average. Only 14 percent of hybrid owners identify as Republican, while 38 percent are Democrats, and 34 percent call themselves independent, according to the report. . . Complete article at http://www.news.com/8301-11128_3-9829737-54.html?tag=nefd.only
The American food supply is typically awash in trans fats or high-fructose-corn syrup. If you aren't eliminating partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) from your diet, you are ruining your cholesterol numbers, and your health. So yes, I am interested in the foods I consume. Organic is nice, but at a minimum, spare me the artery-clogging trans fats, please. I rarely vote Democrat, so that puts me in a minority. So be it. Harry
I fall into the minority as well. My group is the one that drove old gas guzzlers until we meet all of the following - bought a house, raised the kids, and then after all of that get a job and the financial opportunity to drive something nice instead of funding the oil barons. The politics.........well........ oil barons lose on this one ! So it fits. The food.........well........ my taste buds are directly connected to my cranium. I do put that in front of what so many vested companies and organizations claimthat it will make everyone's quality of life better. Everything consumed is bad for one except what I am not telling you about. And golf...........not golf, but I do have many hobbies for my spare time. I guess a majority of us like to have a little fun. Not sure that is a surprise.
Stay away from the refined carbs. They're what'll kill ya (though trans fats are heinous too). Cholesterol in and of itself doesn't really matter (it would seem).
Besides some predictable findings that hybrid owners are wealthier Nope. Make less than $80,00 a year. better-educated Okay. Finishing my second masters. Democrats Yep. Eat organic food more often More often than what? but I'll go nope. Golf more regularly Don't golf at all. Vote in presidential elections at a higher rate I vote in every election. If you don't vote, you can't complain. I didn't see anything about the percentage of Prius owners that are members of PBS.
I'm a member of PBS, have been for 20 years or more. On the other hand I don't know of anybody who voted for our current president who is, Republican or otherwise. I wonder what that indicates?
Not a member of PBS. I only use my teevee to watch DVDs on. I do support our local NPR station, though.