What are some of the ways to block the grill airflow to improve the cold weather gas milage??? Thanks, Bill
Hi Bill, This is very in-depth discussed subject on PC here. Do a search on "Grill Blocking" . Save up a few hours to read it all...
To:BigBlockGasGuzzlerPrius Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
Try the Grill Blocking Summary Article! Not long ago I put together a summary of the "original" thread on grill blocking. Efusco was able to post this as its own thread, and we've been able to update it since then. Also, the article refers to a few of the other threads that have discussed the topic of grill blocking. To get more info, follow the link to the Grill Blocking Summary Article.
Christmas shopping season offers many excellent opportunities for blocking the grill. A well timed run through the pedestrian crosswalk in the mall parking lot will likely provide all the blocking you will need for the season. Make sure to remove the blocking before it gets warm in the spring, or the smell can be unbearable. Tom